Meeting in the Stars

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A/N: Hi~ I have for you a cute little piece of fluff. Just cuz I put you through an absolute feels trips with Oceanspray. I might write an alternate ending for it, if I feel like it later as I kinda like it now. Depends on how much you guys complain about the original ending and how much inspiration I get for an alternate ending. Haha.

Story song: Amatsuki's cover of Hoshiai. I just thought that they lyrics were kind of perfect for Ryan and Yuki. :3

Anyways! I hope you enjoy this absolutely sappy, adorable piece of crap.

Oh~ Before I forget! A lot of the dialogue in this is in Japanese, so if there's anything that's missing a translation or if the translations are incorrect, please let me know! Also, due to just general language differences, some of the Japanese doesn't actually have an English translation, but I did my best.

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~

Meeting in the Stars

I’m not afraid of dying; I’m only afraid of leaving you.

I smiled as I unlocked the door to my apartment. The smell of fragrant wine and aromatic mushrooms filled the air, instantly bringing a smile to my lips. I placed my bag down by the door and dropped my keys on top of the shoe cabinet. I walked further through the living room and turned into the kitchen.

“Hi there.”

I quirked up a quick smile at my boyfriend’s odd welcoming remark. He stirred the food in the pan around a bit more while I sidled up next to him, nudging myself under his arm despite the fact that he was cooking. I breathed in the scent of food and a smell that was purely Ryan.


He kissed the top of my head, and I nuzzled my face deeper into his shoulder, hiding the smile growing on my face. He always had the oddest ways of making me smile; almost everything he did enticed some kind of smile from my lips.

“How was your study group?”

I could hear the sizzling and popping of food as he added more seasonings to the pan. His body moved around with minimal motion so he wouldn’t jostle me around in his arms.

“I hate chemistry,” I mumbled. “It’s so complicated. I should have been an art major.”

He chuckled at my complaints and simply kissed the top of my head again before releasing me to grab plates for our dinner.

“I feel like you would still find a way to complain about it.”

I pouted at him and fixed my glasses which were now sitting at on odd angle on the bridge of my nose. The large frames practically swallowed my face whole yet somehow still made it look decent, surprising considering I had the typical round baby face that most Japanese people have.

“Now wash your hands. It’s time for dinner.”

I nodded and rolled up my long sleeves to follow through with Ryan’s orders. The water was lukewarm, almost as if it knew that my hands were freezing from walking around in the cold autumn night. I dried my hands with a towel nearby as he finished plating the food.

Ryan was my boyfriend of nearly three years. He was four years older than me, which alarmed people at first, but they soon got used to it and accepted us. The people who didn’t just avoided us, something that I was grateful for. I was in my third year of university while he was graduated from graduate school just over a year ago. He was doing well, working as a business man, and cared for me while I finished up my years of schooling.

We sat down together at the table, and I instantly melted at the sight of chicken marsala and garlic mashed potatoes.

“Waa~” I breathed out in awe. “It looks so good. Itadakimasu!”

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