Epilogue 2

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hi there!

this epilogue is kinda special: Jisung narrates these next two parts

the first one takes place directly after Minho becomes a vampire, and the second one is Chapter 2 told from Jisung's POV.

and yes.... i have written all of Daybreak from Jisung's POV. comment if you want me to post it, and maybe i'll do that once my batteries have recharged

hope you like them~


~ Part 1 ~

The clouds curled back in the wind, and a ray of sunshine reached toward the ground, gripping the hemlocks in honeyed light.

Minho stepped into the sun, chin tipped up, and his face — his perfect caramel skin — shone. His lips, smeared red with blood, twisted up into a smile.

I sidled up next to him and touched his arm. He turned to me. His eyes were vibrant red, blood dripping from his chin, and now this — sparkling like a vampire. My love was a vampire.

I should have spiralled. I knew I should have. My humanity, my soul, my redemption — now the same creature as I was. I had fallen in love with him because of his flesh and blood, his warmth and soft edges — I should have felt like I'd lost him.

His dark lashes fluttered. "What? Am I dribbling?" He licked his lips.

I hadn't lost him. He moved differently, his heart now sat idle, his skin no longer burning hot to the touch. But he was Minho. Death couldn't steal his humanity. Death couldn't steal him from me.

I pulled my sleeve over my hand and wiped the blood off his face.

"You're shiny," I said.

"It kinda tickles," he smiled.

"Are you still thirsty?"

"Yeah, actually. But I don't want something big. It feels..." He folded his arms over his stomach. "Sloshy."

"Now I wanna shake you around."

"Don't — seriously, I might throw up." His eyebrows lowered. "Can vampires throw up?"

"No. You could do a handstand until it—"

"I have a feeling whatever you're about to say is gross, so I'm gonna stop you right there."

I smiled and stepped closer, cupped his face in my hands. "It's weird at first. It'll get better."

His arms looped around my back and tugged me closer. I stumbled forward into him. Either he hadn't yet realized he was so much stronger than me, or he was deliberately throwing me around like a rag doll.

"It couldn't possibly get better, Jisungie," he said.

I let my head rest on his shoulder, cuddling into his arms. The same arms I knew, I loved — that I would love for the rest of eternity.

~ Part 2 ~

I stared down at the food in front of me. It was a bagel. Why couldn't bagels just be toast? Why make them round? And with a hole in the middle. It's impossible to eat the absence of something — not that I would be eating it anyway.

Till next time, brothers, Felix thought, giving each of us a wink. He stood and walked away, emptied his tray into the garbage can and left the cafeteria. He had to get to his class early; every day he sliced a little more off one of the legs of each chair in his classroom, and then watched, giggling, as the other students wobbled slightly for an hour.

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