Imma takes a page outta a friend of mines book (quite literally) and makes an art book!! Yaaaaaaaay~!
So I'm probably gonna do digital drawings, sketches, more inked drawings (I need to do more of that :/), and maybe requests/commissions!! So come o...
It kinda really sucks but whatever, whenever I think about Ruby's Ma-Ma I get all weepy. Poor lady. She got murdered ded REALLY hard. A main factor in the fucked up mindset of our lovely slut lady.
Fuck you Sun/ Ruby's Pa-Pa's name that I'm still thinking up >~>
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Again, kinda REALLY SUCKS. But the sheer fact that I love her outweighs the shitty doodle.
TL;DR on her backstory: she was an escort, fucked Ruby's PA-PA, PA-PA got obsessive over her for some reason and totally DIDN'T kidnap her as a sex toy for his own shitty enjoyment and feel loved, got pregnant, got murdered for said child.