Lap 04: Shakes, Rattles, and Rolls

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It was a few days after the last race and Tag, Mari, and even Miles were in Sonny's room watching  tv, well kind of. Tag and Miles sat on the couch, both in their own world. Mari leaned against the back behind Tag.

"So anybody want a drink?" Sonny asked. Mari nodded but Tag and Miles weren't listening.

""Some have called Tag the future of racing. Last week's race proved those people to be morons."" Tag read from a tablet. Miles turned up the tv.

"Nah, man, Tag's cool. He can drive." A guy said on tv. "It's his pit crew that let him down."

"His car was on fire! This ain't his fault." Another guy said. "It's that old guy who runs things, Kyle or something." Mari sipped her drink in relief. Thankfully she wasn't well known to the public. They had all decided it was best she was kept under the radar. She sighed when she heard Tag keep reading comments.

"My grandmother drives better than Tag. And she's blind."

"Maybe a snack?" Sonny chimed in.

"Yeah, the old guy." The guy spoke again. "Tag needs to put him out to pasture."

"Send him to the cornfields!"

"Tag drives like a flu-ridden baby, flailing around in tar." Tag said as he and Miles threw down their respected devices in anger.

"Or pizza?" Sonny said. 

"A for effort, Sonny." Mari said when the two didn't respond.

"Guys, this is just how the game is played." Sonny said. "Nothing the press loves better than building you up and tearing you back down."

"Sonny's right." Tag said. "Pizza's a really good idea." Mari just shook her head.

"Really, Tag?"

"Or we could just win the next race." Miles said.

"Let's do both." Miles quickly turned the tv louder when he saw Becks and Beaks come on.

"As promised, we've got a little bit of inside for all you fans out there." Becks said. "We can announce that the next race will take place at the Pinewood Reservoir." As he said the location, Mari noticed Tag and Miles both go rigid.

'Huh, wonder what thats all about.' She decided to ask Tag later.

"Pinewood!" Beaks repeated.

"Settle down, Beaks." Becks said and turned back to the camera. "You, older fans no doubt recognize the name." The tv showed the reservoir and a picture of an older male Tiger appeared. 

'Wait a minute. He looks...familiar' Mari thought as she looked at the man closer. 

"Pinewood Reservoir is where, 13 years ago, legendary racer, Riq, met his tragic end. This is the first time an official RIMBA race will be held at Pinewood since that terrible day. Race organizer, King, has this to add." The screen changed to King in his offie.

"No matter what happened later in his career, Riq was a legend on the track. This race is an opportunity to pay tribute to this great man." Miles turned the tv off after that.

"Oh, boy." Sonny said. They all left soon after but Mari stayed behind to talk to Sonny, since it was obvious that he knew something. After Tag walked out, she turned to him.

"All right, spill." She said and crossed her arms.

"Huh?" Sonny looked at her confused.

"You know what I mean. I saw how you reacted when they brought up Pinewood and Riq. And those videos you've been watching, those were comparisons of Riq and Tag, right?" Sonny just sighed in defeat.

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