A Date?

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Kaminari POV //

I woke up in my bed and looked around confused. What the hell happened. I turned over and...Shinso? Oh my gosh. Hitoshi fucking Shinso is in my bed! What the hell did we do last night?


"Come in!" I jumped off the bed and opened the door to be met with purple blazing eyes.

"Oh 'Shi come in" I moved aside so he could walk in. He came in and sat on my bed looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Well.. want to watch a movie?"

"Sure" He said nodding to add to the already answered questioned. I jump up in excitement and I begin to pull a box of movies out from under my bed.

"Well unfortunately I only have Disney movies. Like Mulan, Frozen, Little Mermaid, and some other stuff what do you like. Also it is totally ok if you don't want to watch anything. I can turn on some Netflix or the tv in general or maybe you don't want to watch a movie that's fine too." I said nervously I turned to Shinso who appeared to be blown away. 

"Uhhhh I am down to watch Frozen" He shifted in the bed as I got out my laptop and put the disk inside it. I grabbed my convenient Pikachu blanket and put it over both of us as the movie began.

Oh. Yeah we still have the same fucking Pikachu blanket on us. He snuggled closer to me as he murmured.

"....Denki I love you" My eyes widened in surprise. It can't be true he is probably just dreaming. Is he having a wet dream? I pushed slightly away from him. He must of noticed cause next thing I knew I was met with purple eyes glaring at me.

"We didn't do...." He began looking slightly panicked. Do he not want to do it with me ever?

"NO" I shouted a little too loud. He sat up.

"Wellllllllllllllllllllll do you want breakfast? Sato makes the best breakfast ever but if you can convince Bakugou then you are lucky cause his is even better." I began rambling again. He gabbed my arm.

"I would love to Denki." He smiled and I think my heart may have burst. He stood up out of bed still in his clothes from yesterday.

"I have some clothes if you want to borrow them or you could go back to your own dorm that makes more sense sorry" I went on again. I really have to stop doing that. Without asking he went into my closet and stole a hoodie. I watched him probably creepily as he took off his shirt. I noticed something odd underneath all that sexy ab. Scars. They were small and faint but I could still make it out. I turned my head away as he looked towards me.
"Are you going to change or...?"

"NoPe" I hop out of my bed and open the dorm. I could give a fuck less what my classmates thought of me. We head to the elevator as we go downstairs. I can already smell the sweet faint scent of pancakes. I grab Shinso by the hand and drag him to the kitchen where others were apparently. Midoriya and Bakugou. Never thought I would say that they are in the same room without Kiri.

"Good morning Kaminari!" Midoriya is always the most cheerful. I smile back as I go to the counter to find a huge stack of pancakes left. I grab the whole platter and take it to the table. Shinso sat awkwardly next to me across from Bakugou and Deku.

"So why are you two here I thought at least Kiri would be here if Bakubro is here." I asked as I shoved one pancake in my mouth. Shinso just looked at me and grabbed a banana from the bowl in the middle.

Shinso POV //

"You know why Kami" Bakugou implied. What is with all the secrets in class 1-A. Kami made an O with his mouth then continued to shove more food in there. I looked between the two in confusion. Kami burping put me out of my thoughts as I remembered we are going to the mall today.

"Uhhh Kami aren't we going to the mall today with your friends?" I saw out of the corner of my eye Bakugou smirk. Weird. Kami's eyes widened.

"Ooooooh Kiri told me we were meeting at 11 so we better hurry now." With that he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the elevator leaving behind Bakugou and the rest of the pancakes. We waited patiently for it to slowly rise as I realized something. The voices they are gone. I smiled a little bit before the doors opened to reveal a sleepy Kiri. HE hopped in. I noticed this wasn't his level though. We were only on level four and he got in on level three.

"Good morning Kami." He said with a yawn. Kami furrowed his eyebrow.

"Aren't you coming to the mall today." I swear I saw him smirk before his eyes grew with concern.

"Oh shit thanks Kami." The moment we got to the level he ran off. I stepped out and we parted ways.

"Now what the hell to wear?" I said out loud as my door shut.


Meds love you

I noticed that was the first notification on my phone. Really dad. I shot back a short ok then walked into my bathroom. I popped my pills and then drank them down with the water bottle on my counter.

~Time skip brought to you by trying to update asap~

I knocked on Kami's door after getting ready. After consulting my Papa he told me to go with the old hoodie and jeans. Kami opened the door and... Oh My Fucking Gosh. He was wearing the hoodie I had left in his room and some black jeans.

"You ready Shinso?"

"Uhhh...Yeah" He shut his door and we made it to the elevator.

"Kiri told me they are all already there so we are going to be the rotten eggs I guess." I smiled a little bit. Things were going great almost too great.

~Time skip brought to you by I am too lazy to write them getting in a car and driving to the mall~

"They said they had reservations for the fancy restaurant at the end of the strip." I saw it up ahead it was fancy like so fancy I don't think my dads could afford it even with the money they make from being heroes.

"How the hell did you guys afford this?"

"Todoroki." Rich kids. Though I suppose he is nice and after hearing his story I sympathize with the dude. We approach the door and a young lady asks for the name.

"Todoroki." She smiles and leads us to a table in the back with....A couples table.

Kaminari POV //

I am going to kill Kiri.


Sorry if there are mistakes I tried to get this as soon as possible and the next update will defiantly be a while. Love you guys! Also how many of you actually read the author's note?



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