· Part 3 ·

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i accepted and he sent me a message

Connor " heyy told u ill talk to u .. "

Me "haha ya u remembered ur promises "

Connor " yep and mostly my promises to your's "

Me " aw :3 brb "

so then i stood up and went to getca cup of water and when i came back i was drinking so thwn he sent me a message

Connor " ya drink honey "

i spitted the water out of ny mouth and i was in a total shocked i typed

Me " how did you know that i was drinking ? "

Connor " look outside your window "

so i stood up and went to look . then i saw him in his room looking through his window . and i got a paper and wrote " aha " and showed him the paper through the window so he got a paper and he wrote " i like " i wrote " like what " and he was looking at me eye's his eye's were sparkling at me i felt like he. likes me ! so he wrote " nevermind :/ " i wrote " please tell me ? " and i made a cute sad face .. he wrote " you .. " so i throw the paper's and went running and he thought i was mad . but then i knocked at his door and he opens and i hugged him and said " me too " he looked at me with his sparkling eye's and he started getting closer to my face and i was shy and he kissed me in the lips .

i just cant believe what happened ! Thats amazing .. and when he kissed me he said " i dont like u " i looked at him and he said " i love you .. " i smiled and said me too . and his lips were so soft that it made me wanted to kiss him . so he carried me and took me to the park and he started talking and he said that he loved me since he saw . i said " i had feeling for you when u hugged me " he looked at me and he just kissed me on the cheek and said " you're the prettiest girl i've ever seen and my heart belong's to you ' i said " ofcorse you have a beautiful heart ! " and i kissed his cheek he started kissing me on the cheek alot then he made a sad face and he turned my face and kissed me on the lips and said " thats what i want " i said " aww " and so yep that was on 12:09 PM so i told him that i got to go he said bye and we hugged .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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