Sour Sweet love

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   Hana woke up in the morning as usual. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty~,"her lovely mother, Arissa speak to her. "Good Morning Mom..,"she replied with a smile.Then, she took her breakfast and taking her spectacles. "Goodbye Mom!" "Good bye my dear, be careful"Arissa reminded her daughter. "Alright.. :)" Before goIng out, she take a glance at a phothograph."Goodbye dad..." she open the door and goes out.

~~ 11.30 a.m.~~ (Hana's diary)

Dear Diary ,

  Today is always the same as yesterday huh? i wonder if something miracle can happen.. its to boring~~ as always.... i doesnt get any friends since i came to this school..they also spread some weird stuff about me... They call me 'Ugly Nerd' oh well, i dont even care about it . Since i know that my glasses are as big as an elephant~ and i braids my hair into two groups,oh damn it! the bell rang! gotta go!

~~6:45 p.m.~~

  Hana close her diary and put it in her bag.She picked up her bag and walked toward the door class.She opened it and then boom!!!  she opened her eyes. Damn it.. Its hurt.. she whispered to her heart.How shocked she is, she hit someone she REALLY DOESNT WANT IT TO BE! it was the prince of the school!,Kaoru!."Argh!! its really hurt!!" kaoru whimped.

    "I am really really sorry,"Hana said."hey, woman!you think an apologies can make this shoulder better?? aargh!! i think its broken!"Kaoru said with an anger.Hana shocked and she quickly bow to Kaoru.Kaoru glare at her and leave her alone.Oh well, he doesnt want to pick a fight with an ugly girl.He reputation might broke .Hana bend her body to normal.She became weird.

        Did she really talk to someone?.She think it again"No,no it not an imagination, its really real,my shoulder hurt too you DAMN IMMORAL PRINCE!'' she curse Kaoru just when he leave her.Kaoru enjoyed a song and sudenly he cough.Weird...someone must be talking about me.Well, that of course~ I am so popular!.He enjoyed praise himself in his Ferrari car.Hana walked to her house.Today was her unlucky day.Hit the prince of school is soo wrong.She might get hurt by his fangirls.What the fangirls group name again.. oh yes! its ''Ice princess''.The name are soo lame.

~~Hana's House~~

     "I'm back!,"Hana said."Welcome back!"Arissa arrive at the front door.Hana smiled and walked beside her mother.Wait, i didn't know that we have a guest."Mom, who's there?"she said while pat her mother shoulder."hmm?? oh! he is one of your dad lawyer."huh?? when did her dad had a lawyer?"sorry, i'm forgot to tell you"Arissa said with a sad face.Hana sighed.She shake her head means "thats okay".

      "Hana, you should change your clothes, i got to talk something with Mr. Kaname,",Hana nod and leave her mother and the lawyer alone.She entered her room and closed the door slowly.She throw her body to the bed."*sigh... i'm reallly tired"she murmured.Without changing her clothes, she went to bed early than she though.

~~Tomorrow morning~~

        Arissa knock Hana's bedroom door."Hana-chan! wake up!!,you going to be late for school"Arissa said outside Hana's room.Hana blink her eyes.She sit on her bed.She opened the door."Oh my, you not changing your cloth yesterday Hana?"Arissa said with a little shock expression.Hana nod."I'm supeer tired yesterday mom.."Hana mumbling.Arissa fell her daugther forehead."Mom.. i'm not sick."Hana said."No, no, Your head is like an iron you know?,No .. i cannot let you like this"Arissa pushed her daugther back into her room.Hana sigh.Why must this happen?.Im not even sick...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2012 ⏰

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