The cute blonde

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Everyone parades out the class.

As im walking out the door someone bumps into me,she has black hair slick into a ponytail,with wicked blus eyes,wearing a cheerleading uniform.

She giggles with four other cheerlaeders and walks away.

I squated down to pick up my books when the really cute blonde that i sat next to walked over and asked if i was okay.

"yeah,yeah,of course" i said back.

"Shes a bitch"he said

"i kinda figured most girls are"i awsered laughing.

"Yeah but not you."he awnsered putting his head down smiling.

I know i blushed like crazy,but i still didnt know his name.

"So,whats your name?"i asked

"Oh,im luke,Luke Hemmings."he awnsered.

At that time we were walking down the hall on the way to lunch together,talking about random things we had been together since first period it just so happened we had all the same classes.

he asked"do u want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"

"Sure"i say.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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