We need to talk....

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You knocked on the door... sebastian opened the door "uh...hi" "wha- what are you doing here" "sebastian..please..we need to talk it's been a year and a half please you don't know how hard it's been for me" you went inside and went in his room " I know..you probably hate me but I-It's  so hard to say I hate myself for doing this to you but the reason I kissed Oliver was because i was sad ok..and-" you were sobbing " and my life is over I don't have friends anymore I'm not friends with Tessa or Oliver,I can't see my sister anymore because she has cancer and she might go away forever and now I lost you and I know you don't like me anymore you hate me but i just want to say that I'm sorry that I let you down..." you started to cry more and opened the door of the room and was about to leave when sebastian held your hand and hugged you You missed his huggs all you could do was hug him back and lay your head(while still hugging him)"I don't hate you.." "I forgive you" he said "so are we friends again" you asked "sure" he responded... you went back home and just smiled you were happy again..you went back home and pit comfortable clothes on and went to sleep next day it was weird people didn't want to talk to you they were al staring at you when you walked through the hall they all stopped and gasped you were confused and turned around and saw sebastian with a poster.."do you want to be my gf again?" you nodded and hugged him and everyone clapped(obvi cuz seb was popular kind of)
The end...or is it
💕💕💕this is so UGHHH😭✨

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