Show Down

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Emotions were very high in the room as I poured my heart out to the man that has caused me so much grief over the years. I told him everything, how the rape lead me to nearly committing suicide, and how being victimized by him all over again made me a shell of the woman I once was. These were things that I held on to for years, and spilling them out made me feel like a thirty pound weight was lifted off of me. It was therapeutic.

Vincent looked like he was about ready to kill me for having him bound and gagged, but he deserved to have a taste of his own nasty medicine.

My intention was not to kill him like some hell bent vigilante.  I only wanted him to experience what it was like to feel helpless and victimized by someone.

My face was drenched in sweat by the time I finished telling him everything, and I was surprised to see the sun peering through my curtains. 

How long have we been here? 

The clock showed three hours had passed.

I sat next to him on the couch.  "The time has come for me to call the police. Are you ready?"

He shook his head.

"Tough luck." I stood up and set the pistol on my mantle, walking into the kitchen to grab my cell phone from its charger. When I got back into the living room, the frown that had been in Vincent's eyes was replaced with a glimmer of happiness.

I immediately felt uneasy.

Turning around, I started to dial 911, until I was suddenly tackled down to the floor. My forehead mashed into the coffee table, and my vision became clouded as I tried to process what had happened.

Somehow, Vincent had gotten his hands free.  He was on top of me in a heart beat, pulling my hands behind my back in an attempt to bind them again.

"Get off of me!" I growled, struggling underneath him. How was he still so strong after being shot!?

He bashed my head on the hard floor. My vision was completely blotted out for only a few seconds, but that was plenty of time for him to tie me up and throw me on to the couch. He grabbed the pistol off of the mantle and ripped the tape off his mouth.

"You're going to die this time, bitch." His voice was weary and distorted. "We could've had an amazing life together, but you threw it all away."

"Fine.  Go ahead and kill me, because I would rather die than spend another second with you."

His finger wrapped around the trigger. "Emily...."

He hesitated.

That gave me a chance to kick him in the rib cage.

He wailed in pain and slumped over, but his finger never left the trigger. "Have it your way, Emily."

"No!!" Cora ran out of the bedroom, the others trailing behind her. "Please, don't hurt her!"

"It's too late for forgiveness!" Vincent growled, "I gave you all a chance to cherish my love."

"Vincent..." Cora said softly, "You need help."

"Shut up! Just shut your mouth right now!" His head flew back and what little sanity was left in his eyes flushed away.  "I'll kill her! I swear to God I'll fucking kill her!"

The front door was kicked open, and Amy Frost ran in with her pistol raised high.  "I don't think so, you evil fucker!  Throw down your weapon!  NOW!!!"

Vanessa Archer came in behind her with her pistol pointing to him as well.  "Stand down, Graves!!"

Vincent laughed and shook his head.

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