💙 story

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" omg I think we have a nursey Nessy on our hand " say Wade " hahahah mmmmm helll yes " say Nessy.  How play as the nurse of the game DEAD BY DAYLIGHT. "So we're is my little demon go " say Nessy " no no were " say gar with a smirk ." Moma nugget please do not kill us " say Patrick " no my son " say Nessy and attached Patrick " and it's soooo nice to HOOK ya pat " say  Nessy " fuking hell " say pat. And than one of the generators exports. And jp runaway
" I like to run away. " sing Jp. And Nessy hit him " you are to slow pineapple. " tits tits " say Jp and Nessy hit him one more time . And grap him " so let's find you a hooker Jp " say Nessy " o there it is " say Nessy and put him on a hook " TIIIIITTTTTTSSSS " Screams Jp. And Nessy hit him two times . And Jp is  Sacrificed to the red demon in the sky " so I we're is gar gar " say Nessy . " n.. Nowhere Nessy " say Gar . How crouch walk. To the last generator. " GAr do you want a lollipop. " say Nessy " no but I'll give you my lollipop. If you know what i mean " say gar high browd. And winks at Nessy her face cam " o oke Gar " say Nessy " oooooo BLOODYMOON AWAY " Say Pat " SHUT UP HUNTER " Say Nessy and hit Gar .And fall on the gound. " so let's find a hookyhook " say Nessy and grap Gar and try to find a hook. And put him on a hook and  Sacrificed him to the red demon in the sky " fresh food for Dante " say Nessy " nooooo my brother is no a cannibal " say Gar. And was Sacrificed to the red demo in the sky. And the game is over for the fruitloops " heee look it's my high score " say Nessy and look at the score :800'447: blood points. So they klik on the off record button. And start talking." Hi Nessy shall we Umm go out with the nuggets " say Patrick " yes but were. You know Jeremiah and i we're living in a other  city " say nessy. And look at Gar " but Nessy we can go with my car to Gar and pick up pat and wade " say jp " I'll go to Gar . With wade " say Pat " ok but when are we going to each other " say wade " next week. Tuesday. maybe  " say Gar " great idea Gargar " say Nessy with a big ol smile "ok deal " say Gar. " ok sis we need to go to mom " say jp " ok little brother " say Nessy " bye guys " say jp " dikke doei " say Nessy. And klik off the Skype call . And so did jp " why call jp Nessy his sister.  " ask Gar " it's because Nessy is just a roommate. When kynessa moved to USA. She didn't have a place to live . So jp asked Nessy to live with him. So sweet. So she rebuild her Chanel with more fan's. And so more much friend's and a little family " explain Patrick and wade " OK " say Gar " are you in love with her " ask Patrick " a little bit I guess  " say Gar blushing " don't worry we won't tell " say wade " I promise " say Patrick.  " thanks guy's " say Gar. " no problem Gar " say Pat " I need to go guys bye bye " say Gar " bye gar " say Wade . And Gar klik off the Skype call. And walk with Dante out . " Pat wen we all together we try to make Gar confess his love to Nessy. " say Wade " you know she broke up with entoan right like two months. " say Pat. " o that's right I forgot about that " say Wade " don't worry I'll talk with our Nessy. And you with Our Gar " say Patrick. And drink his Baja blast. " ok see you next week bye Pat " say Wade " see you Wade " say Patrick . And kilk the off Skype call . And so did Wade.

✘ time skip next week Tuesday ✘

Nessy do her make-up.than her phone go on : CUT CUT CUT ME UP. AND FUCK FUCK FUCK ME UP : . Nessy pick up. " hi there how is calling mu house " say Nessy " hi Nessy. I'm almost there and I've got Gar with me . So I'll pick you and jp up. "Say Pat " ok seeee ya nugget " say Nessy. " seee ya tooo Nessy " say Pat and klik the off call button. " I can't wait until I see my friends and Gar even more. " say Nessy in love. So she do her make-up. And do her shoes on . And wait until the door bell rings.

✘ Time skip ✘

Nessy's door bell rang. And Nessy and jp walks to the door . And jp do the door open. And there is Pat and Gar. " GAR PAT " say Nessy and run to Gar and jump and hug him. But they fall . Nessy on top of Gar. Nessy Look at Gar with big manga/anime eye's. And blush a little. And Gar held Nessy in his arm's. With big eyes too. " H... H.. HI THERE NESSY. " say Gar " hi Gar " say Nessy " O MY GOD KISS ALREADY " Say Jp " o sorry Gar " say nessy. And Gar let go.  and Nessy go up .  And help Gar up. " so we're are we going. " say Jp " to the beach. We have our swim wear " say Pat " ok I'll grap my bikini. " say Nessy " and I'll garp my swim wear  . O and please wait here guys " say Jp " OK Jp " say Gar . And Jp go to his room and pack his stuff. " so Gar that was surprising . " say Pat " what do you mean " asked Gar " With Nessy there " say Pat " if you say that " say Gar blushing " I was thinking she acting happy but not that happy " say Pat " me to but I'm happy to see her so happy " say Gar . And then Jp and Nessy walks in the living room " we're ready Pat " say Jp " yup " say Nessy " Let's go then " say Gar. And got up and walks with Pat Jp and Nessy . To Pat's car. Pat is driving. Jp sits next him . Nessy and Gar sit in the backseat. Nessy took pictures of Gar and Pat and Jp. " Nessy please " say Pat " ooopppssssyyy sorry Patty " say Nessy . And took the last picture of Gar " so Nessy how is your Chanel going " say Gar " I just hit 17 million nekos.  So I'm fucking happy " say Nessy and dance a little . After two minutes they arrive at the beach . And Pat Park the car  . And the gang got out the car. And walk on the beach . " I look for a place. You guys dressed up your selfs " say Pat " ok Pat " say Nessy and go ahead to the dressing room. And Gar and Jp too. After one minute the finished. And Nessy walks to Pat. And sit down on the towel. " How live going " say Nessy  " good thank you.  And mk and Olivia too " say Pat " good " say Nessy and then Jp and Gar walks up to them. Gar looks a Nessy and become red : she looks great in her bikini : was Gar thinking. And become red " nice swimshords Gar " say Nessy " thanks your bikini too " say Gar " yup my favorite color blue " say Nessy " I'm going to dressed up too see you guys soon " say Pat " ok " say Jp . Then Nessy got up ." I'm going swim " say Nessy and walks to the water . And go in and swim . Then Patrick walks to the group " he where is Nessy " say Pat " swimming " say Gar " I'll go too " say Jp. And sprint to the water.  Gar look at Nessy. " Pat when is Wade here. " say Gar. " any minutes " say Pat. " OK " say Gar . Nessy walks back to Pat and Gar . She grap her hair and twisted it. Gar looks at Nessy a little in love " hè Gar you can talk a picture. If you like it is what you see " say Nessy . Then Gar  Realized that he was staring at Nessy " oopse sorry. I was looking at your hair and make-up " say Gar " o oke than. I know I'm a mermaid " say Nessy. And sit down next to Gar. Than Wade walks to them. But not alone. " hiiii Nessy Gar " say Wade . Than Nessy looks at Wade " hi weeeedddeee .uuuu. O and Hi Gunner " say Nessy (Gunner = entoan's real name)  : SHIT WHY IS HE DOING HERE : Was Nessy thinking. " HOI!  Entoan and Wade " say Gar like he is a timmie form the game undertale." I'm going to swim. Gar will you go with me. " say Nessy " sure mermaid " say Gar . And got up with Nessy. And walks the salty water in. " are you feeling well " ask Gar " a little. But I'm happy to have you here " say Nessy " and I'm happy to have you here Nessy " say Gar " you are such a cute demon " say Nessy " awww thanks . You are such a pretty Mermaid " say Gar. And Nessy blush " thanks Gar " say Nessy. And then she splash Gar wed " aaaa com-on mermaid " say Gar.  " hahah " say Nessy flirt like. Than Gar look at Nessy. And grap her hips. And put her in the water in. " Hahahah get rekt. " say Gar. The Nessy's make up become a mess. " thanks Demon " say Nessy " you look like my favorite hair band. KISS " Say Gar " KISS OMG I LOVE THAT BAND. IT'S MY FAVORITE CLASSIC ROCK BAND.  O YOU MEAN MY MAKE-UP IS LOOSING . OK HAHAHA " Say Nessy . And go to Pat and Wade. Entoan and Jp are in the water. So Nessy clean up her make-up. " so all clean  " say Nessy. Then Entoan and Jp walk up " so Nessy how is your day mermaid " say Gar " good and you Demon " say Nessy . " I'm feeling good thanks mermaid " say Gar. Then Entoan stare at Nessy. And Nessy stare at Gar's sixpack and muscles. " do you like what you see Nessy. Take a picture of it " say Pat. And Nessy and Entoan  Realised they we're starting " ok " say Nessy and take a picture of Gar. " haha Nessy " say Gar.  Then Entoan looks jealous and take pictures of Nessy in secret " we need to go . " say Pat. " ok I'll dry and dress myself " say Nessy . " ok " say Jp.  And Nessy go to the dressing room. After one minute . Nessy got back . The guys were already changed. " so were now " asked Jp " just relax with my nuggets " say Pat.  And the gang walk to Pat's car . And got to nessy and Jp's home .  After they arrive. And go in . " make yourselfs at home. " say Jp. And Nessy and Jp put the wet clothes in the  washing machine. To clean it. " Nessy I know you like him " Say Jp " I don't know Jeremiah " say Nessy " you are because I see how you In love With him. When you fall literally on     when you hug him. Like in YURI ON ICE .AMIME.  And when you look at Gar's muscles and take pictures.of him and walk and Talk" say Jp " I think so " say Nessy blushing. " so you are Kynessa" say Jp " ....fine I'm in love. But please don't tell him
. And please don't tell it to Gunner please. Because when we broke up last two months. With Gunner ." Say Nessy " so that was the reason you and entoan. Were always together. But do you two share your first kiss already "  Say Jp " no " say Nessy " What you never kiss someone "Ask Jp "yes " say Nessy " OK then Kynessa we need to go back " say Jp " good idea but I'll do my makeup first" say Nessy  . And do her makeup " so a little mascara and lipstick. " say Nessy to her self. And go downstairs .

a date with the demon wolf (garuku bluemoon x Nessy) Where stories live. Discover now