the story

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" Nessy Wake up you dummy " Say Gar to his hotel room mate. Because the group goes to PAX." Five more minutes grandma " Say Nessy " BLOODY NESSY 666 WAKE THE FUCK UP " Say Gar.  And Nessy look at him " ok then Sexy demon " Say Nessy And go out bed and clean and dress and make her ready for the Day. " you look beautiful today Nessy " Say Gar " thanks Gar " Say Nessy . And go with Gar and Jp Pat and Mk to Pax. And Pat starts to flog. And Jp as well. Nessy and Gar are talking about DEAD BY DAYLIGHT. After five minutes they arrive at the PAX. " ARE YOU READY NESSY FOR THE PANEL " Say Gar " I can't wait my first without Mark .  BUT WITH MY SEXY DEMON AND TREE CUTE KITTY'S " Say Nessy and blush like a little girl " sounds like you have a good time melady " Say Gar " Yes . And Gar this sounds maybe weird . Last night I saw a big wolf in our room . When i ya know light sleeping " Say Nessy with a serous look on her face " I don't know what you mean Nessy ya know we have some alcohol yesterday  evening. " Say Gar "  oke I SWEAR I SAW ABIG WOLF GAR. I'M NOT DRUNK IT'S NO IN MY MIND " Say Nessy " o look there. It's Amy and Mark " Say Gar he try to change the subject " NESSY HI AND GAR HELLO " Say Mark and Hug Nessy and Gar " we talk later Gar . So how are you mark " Say Nessy . So Nessy and Her friends go to their panel. Pat and Wade sit on one table and Jp and Gar And Nessy sit on their table. Nessy next Gar. " HELLOOOWWW EVERYONE " Say Nessy to the crowd " hi Nessy and the dem salty boy's" Say the crowd. "HOI " Say Gar. : he's so cute : was Nessy thinking. " you all have questions " ask Wade " yes I do " Say a cosplay girl who looks like a cat. " so what is your question miss Kitty " Say Nessy " so how do your meet each others " Say The girl " zombiemold brought us all together but Nessy is a other story " Say Jp " yes I remember my first minecraft video with Jp and Pat. But I met Gar first with bloodborne " Say Nessy " I remember that I emailed. And after two minutes we Skype each other. And play a game. collab with her. It's was really a good time . And i hope we can do some more game's " Say Gar and hug her. Nessy let out a little tear. " thanks Gar I love you like best friend " Whispered Nessy " no problem darling " Whisper Gar back " AUWWW BLOODYMOON AWAY " say the cloud   . Gar look beep into her eye's : I know what you are little demon : was Gar thinking " so that's how we met . So first  Gar then Pat and Jp then Wade and Mark. And I love them so much " Say Nessy and Put her arm around Gar. " thanks Nessy and the others " Say the cosplayer girl . " any questions " Say Pat " yes please " Say a boy " go on on " Say Wade " ok Pat I know you have tattoos and Nessy I know you have earrings . But guys what will you choose TATTOO OR PIERCINGS " ask the boy " for me piercings. Because you can always put them off. " Say Wade " I'm thinking about a Tattoo about the lightning " Say Jp " cool Jp I'm thinking about a tat too. Of a BADASS  magikarp or hunter. " Say Pat " nice Pat and i thinking about a demon Cat tattoo " say Gar Nessy look at him with a red face " I'll go with tattoo because I have already earrings. So I'll do a Demon wolf with a cat demon. " Say Nessy with a wink to Gar " cool thanks for the info " Say the boy " no problem " Say Jp . " but wade do you remember that when you are so drunk. With Mark . when he said do only Kid friendly. And you say FUCK " Say Nessy to Wade. " I was drunk. So i don't remember that sis " Say Wade and drink his water " hahah you remember that don't ya wadey " Say Nessy " all right then " Say Wade " HA GET REKT " Say Nessy ." I have a question for Nessy " Say A girl " ok " Say Nessy " ok so what is your favorite Game that you play in the horror style " Ask the little girl " a good questions. Mmm I'm gonna go with all OUTLAST game's and YANDERE SIMULATOR " Say Nessy " yandere simulator cool " Say the little girl. So the panel . Goes well and after hour is over . So the            Friends are go to the demo's of Games the coming soon. After three hours they going to the hotel restaurant . Gar sit down next Nessy and Jp. Jp sits next Pat. Pat next to wade. Wade sit down next jack. Jack Sit down next his girlfriend. And mark and amy sit down next Gar.
" so how are things Nessy " Ask Jack " good i have a new MODS FOR YANDER SIMULATOR. " Say Nessy " cool " Say Jack " so how are you sean " Say Nessy " I'm good " Say jack. After a hour and a half. They go to the hotel. Gar and Nessy go together to their room. And Nessy clean her make-up. And lay down with Gar on they bed. Nessy look at her twitter. And see a cute fanart with a blue cat. With a wolf with red and blue eye's. " he Gar look at this. O wait blue cat is me and wolf is you. Aww so cute " Say Nessy " indeed I love this art " Say Gar and show the picture on his twitter to Nessy. " yes hahahahahha " Say Nessy." So cute " Say Gar " but Gar something completely different. Did you know about the big wolf " Ask Nessy " it's all in your mind. Just like the big cat What i see two days ago." say Gar " big cat. I don't know what you mean " Say Nessy " i fucking saw it nessa I fucking saw it. That you change into a blue furry cat. Then you say I'm need to hunt my hunger need to be stilled by blood and meat " Say Gar then Nessy look down. " Gar i don't know how it is " Say Nessy " how what is " Ask Gar and grap her hand . Nessy look at him with tears. Gar saw that. And hug her. " Gar I... I... I.... Was the big cat you'll talking about. And sometimes i can't control it that's why I'll go hunting " confess Nessy " don't cry Nessy. I'm in the same period. Because the wolf that you see is actually me " Say Gar. Nessy looks surprise. " So i was right " Say Nessy " yes you are and i was right too. " Say Gar. And put his shird off. To show his demon wolf tattoo. Nessy become red. Because he's pretty hot. Then she look at his Tattoo. " so when did you got that tattoo " Say Nessy ." As long as I remember " Say Gar. Then Nessy take off her shird . So he can see her tattoo. But he notice that Nessy is in her bra . " um Nessy one beautiful bra. Two what a beautiful cat tattoo do you have but when did you get that " Say Gar. Nessy look at her chest. " o oke I don't care about to show my chest. And the same as you " Say Nessy . " so are you going to change tonight " Say Gar . How try not to look at her boobs " nope because my hunger is stilled. And you " Ask Nessy still red like a tomato " Nope. " Say Gar "Gar do you like our ship " Ask Nessy " yes and you " Say Gar " yes some of the fanart are so cute and sometimes sexy " Say Nessy and look at her leg's " what's up Nessy with the long face " Say Gar " Gar you may not feel the same way as i do but i think i really Love you " Say Nessy and start to cry.Gar hug her. " don't cry Nessy  . I love you too "Say Gar and stroke her blue hair. " yo ....yo... You (slob)  do?  " Ask Nessy still little crying. " yes Nessy I really love you since we met " Say Gar. And dry off her tears." I love you so much " Say Gar and kiss her on the lips. Nessy's eye's close. : his lips soft and warm.: was Nessy thinking : my beautiful blue mermaid. You're kiss is so wonderful : was Gar thinking. And hold her right. And make circles on her back. Then Nessy broke the kiss. And hug him " Gar what next " Say Nessy " what do you mean " Ask Gar " what happens next when we're lose our mind. And how are we going to tell them. You know family and friends. Fams ya know. " Say Nessy " don't worry my love. I'll tell our friends. And you tell our family. And both we make a flog " Say Gar. And hug her. " okay then thanks Gar " Say Nessy And kiss his neck." Nessy " Say Gar " Gar " Say Nessy " we just started our relationship. Ya know " Say Gar " and i don't care " Say Nessy " okay then. Here coms GAR GAR " Say Gar . And kiss her ear. And Nessy kiss his neck again. " Nessy let's sleep " Say Gar . " good idea " Say Nessy . And go to sleep in Gar's arm's.

✘Time skip ✘

"DARLING WAKE UP DOLL " Say Gar. To his sleepy girlfriend. " Five more minutes handsome " Say Nessy to her boyfriend. " NESSY " Say Gar . And pull the blanket of her. And grap her . And lift her hup princess like. " wooooow Gar nobody never ever ever treat me like this " Say Nessy and hug him. " no problem Doll. " Say Gar. " can you let me go so I can do my morning stuff ." Say Nessy. And Gar let her go. So Nessy do her morning stuff.after five minutes. Nessy is ready for the day. So Gar grap her hand " MAN I FUCKING LOVE YOU. MY MOMMY CHOPPY. " Say Gar " AND I FUCKING LOVE YA TOO DADDY TRAPPY " Say Nessy and kiss him . Gar open the door and Pat Mk and Jp. Where waiting for them. " MORGEN JP EN PAT EN MK " Say Nessy in her language. (Dutch). " ee what " Say Pat " she said morning Jp and Pat and mk " Say Gar. " Gar you are learning more about my home country . " Ask Nessy " yes of course " Say Gar " SWEET  " Say Nessy. And go with her friends and boyfriend. To the meet up with her fans. But they stopped to play some dance game's." NESSY LET'S PLAY THIS DANCE GAME " Scream Gar and grap her hand. " ALRIGHT " Say Nessy. And play the game. Pat and Mk are filming. So Nessy and Gar Play the dance game master. One minute after the game. There was a kiss scene. So Gar grap Nessy's hips. And kiss her. " wooooow!  " Say Mk " Gar and Nessy wow I always knew you two going together " Say Pat . Nessy look at Gar. And blush " we'll we been sins what like yesterday. Together " Say Nessy " yes but yesterday night mermaid " Say Gar " aa yes senapi " Say Nessy " no problem kohai " Say Gar " so cute "Say Jp. " thanks jp " Say Nessy. In the background are Wade Molly Jack and his girlfriend. Mark and Amy. Pewdiepie and marza. Ethan. Dlive and entoan. LaurenZside and her boyfriend. Yamimash. And Bob and his wife. And the fan's." I guess our friends. Already knew. Our relationship. Schat " Say Nessy and hug him " yup " Say Gar. " it's good that we live in the same town so we can go to each other. Every time we Will " Say Nessy " that's so true. My love " Say Gar. So the group go to the signing. And photos with the fan's. " bloody Nessy 666 " Ask a girl " yes " Say Nessy " can i get your handwriting and a picture with me and you " ask she " sure why not.And how was your day " ask Nessy " the mine good and yours Nessy " Say the girl " good. So what's your name " ask Nessy " alina " say alina " oke alina form me Nessy for you " say and write Nessy. " thanks mommy neko " Say Alina " no problem neko " Say Nessy and make a picture with her. " omg thanks Nessy " Say alina " no problem " Say Nessy. And Gar and Pat make pictures with fan's too. A Jp and Nessy took pictures with pictures too .after four hours. They going to eat in the hotel restaurant. " so my mermaid how was your day . " Ask Gar " good and the yours " Say Nessy . " the mine is great. " Say Gar a lay his arm around Nessy . " awww so cute miss Nessy and Mister Gar " Say Pat " just like MOVE OR DIE " Say Nessy. Then Pat look at her. " why so mean " Say Pat " hahaah Nessy good one" Say Gar " sorry Pat " say Nessy . " man I love you Nessy and your evil side"Say Gar " I love you too and. I'm IN LOVE WITH THE EVIL SIDE  " Say Nessy and kiss him.....

The end 😘

It's was so fun to make this fanfic
. And I'll hope you have fun we'll reading. SEEEE YA NEXT FANFIC

in love with the evil side (garuku bluemoon x Nessy) Where stories live. Discover now