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3rd P.O.V.

The halls of the mental hospital were silent, the only sound heard is someone quietly saying the iconic spy music.

"Da na na!" Jin backed up into a wall, acting like a not so secret agent.

Nari would probably slap him if she saw him doing this, but Jin didn't care. If he had to do this, he wanted to do it HIS WAY.

It's nearly been a week since Nari asked Jin to do this favor, and so far he's found nothing.

These people have there information under lock and key.

Luckily, Jin was able to break into the hospital at 4 in the morning, seeing if he was able to open the secret door.

(Ok, I just got HUGE Barbie flashbacks!!! No? Just me? .......ok, I'll stop)

During the entire time Jin was working at the hospital, there was only one door he hasn't been in. The secret door at the end of the farthest hall.

The files HAVE to be in there.

He stood in front of the door, finding a bobby pin on the ground, jabbing it into the lock.

Five minutes later, Jin was still jabbing the pin into the doorknob.

"God, why does this always work whenever girls do it?"

A click finally came from the lock, the door slowly swinging open.


Jin slowly stepped in the dimly lit room, throwing open the cabinets and rummaging through the files.

He paused when he suddenly saw two folders with VERY familiar names.

Park Jimin.

Kim Nari.

"What? Why is there a folder for Nari?"

He then found a third folder.

Kim Seokjin.

"What the-"

He opened his folder to see a full time report while he was working here.

Name: Kim Seokjin. Age: 26.

Position: Secretary. Role: Doesn't really do much but is handsome.

"Excuse me?! "Doesn't do much." I'm a fantastic gossiper thank you very much!"

Jin huffed before continuing. He decided to open Nari's folder next.

Name: Kim Nari. Age: 23.

Position: Counselor for Park Jimin. Role: Sexy ass counselor.

Jin scoffed as he saw several writings on the corners of the file, ranging from "I'd tap that." to "Wow she's hot."

(The Stay in me jumped out, I'm sorry!😂)

Jin took out his phone and took pictures of Nari's file. It's illegal to sexually harass your employees.

He then opened Jimin's file, and nearly dropped it in shock.

Name: Park Jimin. Age: 23.

Position: Patient. Role: Mentally screwed up patient. Has been an occupant for 8 years. Hopeless case.

Although that part made him angry, it was the next thing that made his blood boil.

Under the information, there was a table listing the names of the other employees and different amounts of money.

It wasn't a normal table.

They were betting on how long Jimin would be a patient.

Jin then saw that Mr. Hyunsik wrote Jimin down as a patient for 5 more years, betting nearly $5,000.

"That must be why he banned Nari from seeing Jimin. Cause she was helping him and he wanted to win the bet."

Jin took even more photos, before suddenly freezing.

He heard footsteps.

And they were coming closer.

"Crap." Jin saw a flashlight shine on the floor a few feet away from him, before he quickly dove into the corner, away from the light.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Jin didn't dare move. He didn't even breathe. He didn't even blink.

After what felt like an eternity, the footsteps faded away.

Jin scrambled to put the files back in the cabinet, closed the door, and ran out of the hospital like his life depended on it, not stopping until he reached the wall of a convenient store a block away.

Jin panted heavily, before grabbing his phone with his shaky hands. "That was the most terrifying thing I've ever done in my life. But at least I did the hardest part."

He opened his phone to his pictures before sending everything he found to Nari.

"Good luck, Nari. You're going to need it."

Hello friends!! This story is almost at 40 reads! I know that may not seem like a lot but it's a big deal for me😅 I'm so thankful to all of you that are reading and enjoying the story. Also, I'm sorry if this chapter was a little boring, it'll get more exciting really soon!!💜

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