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Name: Nexus Omora

Gender: Male

Birthday: February  27th

Age: Appears around 20 years of age, though is technically not even a year. His species mix has caused a great speeding up of his aging and maturing process.

Species: Demi-kitsune/Hell Fox ( half fox -mother is fox- half Hellhound -father is hell hound-

Appearance: Nexus is the only out of the three that has a full human form -so far- 

His hair is a deep yellow ochre color, with deep brown low lights and lighter, though fewer, creme colors naturally throughout his hair. He stands at around five foot eight in height, and his body is nicely  toned, however isn't quite muscular. His eyes are multiple  shades of green mixed together, creating a deep color full of dimension. His skin is soft and free of blemishes, woth a very light and warm tanish tone to it. He usually wears a button up  grey and black dress shirt, however he rarely ever buttons it up. For pants he wears a dark denim pair that fall nicelyover his legs with a brown leather belt.

(( looks like my sketch on the cover pic, Demi-kitsune form looks like the fix in the media section.))

Personality: Nexus is borderline narcissistic. He thinks very highly of himself and it shows in his step. He is very aware of himself, and pays a lot of attention to his looks and hygiene. He rather quite enjoys reciving praise from others, however doesn't react too horribly to insults. Getting past his full of himself attitude, Nexus can be fairly protective and caring, though, he can sometimes be extremely frustrating.

Quirks: Nexus, when faced with conflict, can seek very harmful and extremely  violent, sometimes even torturous means to revenge. This quirk kicks in especially  when someone he actually cares about is faced with conflict from another person.


-Brother: Darrius Carlyle

-Sister: Cassandra Carlyle

-Mother: Mamori @Mamori_Reborn

-Father: Chaos of @Twisted_Chaos

Relationship status: no one currently

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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