Princess Kylie

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  Ugh, another meeting, about the millionth one today, or at least that's what it felt like.
  Kylie knew her mother wanted her to be ready for the crown but she already was. Her mother always said there was something wrong with Kylie, and she said it in that stupid "I'm better than you" voice.
  Multiple times Kylie wished she could stab her mother right through the chest with her dad watching. She wished she could knock the crowns right off their heads and take them.
  After the meeting she was the first to leave the room, she headed straight to her older sisters room. When she got there she flopped face first onto her sisters bed and mumbled, "I'm starting to understand why you gave the throne to me."
  Her sister chuckled and put down her paintbrush, "You know all the responsibility wasn't the main reason I gave it up, Kylie."
  "It isn't responsibility Sanna, it's SITTING AROUND DOING NOTHING." Kylie shouted at the door in any hope her brain dead mother would hear.
  She rolled onto her back as Sanna's phone buzzed, Sanna looked at the message and her eyes did that sparky thing they did when something she liked happened. "What is it?" Kylie asked with an uninterested voice.
  "Oh just this guy.." Sanna leaned back in her chair giggling and smiling at her phone.
  "Ewwww" Kylie made barf noises.
  "Oh grow up and wait until you're in love, now get out of my room." Sanna said passive aggressively, Kylie groaned and left to her own room.
Kylie judged the plain white floors and walls of the castle as if they were doing something stupid while she walked, everything around her looked so perfect.
When she got to her bedroom she tripped over a hand made doll and fell onto the floor, making a book fall out of her bookcase right onto her head.
"Wow so graceful." A black cat with white eyes said sarcastically to her while sitting on her windowsill licking its paw.
Kylie sat up and threw the book at the cat, the cat moved to the side and the book flew right out the window.
"Oh come on, I did NOT just perfectly position that doll so you'd trip on it and make that one book loose enough to fall and land on your head when you tripped just to have you throw it out the window." The cat looked at Kylie with a disapproving look.
Kylie wrinkled her nose and put the doll on a shelf. She picked the cat up my the back of its neck and threw it onto her bed then looked down out the window at the book, she couldn't tell if she recognized it cause of how far her room is from the ground.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes setting all her thoughts on retrieving the book. A sort of light blue aura formed around her hands and the book, it lifted the book back up to the window and into her hands, the aura disappeared as she opened her eyes and looked down at the heavy book.
"What is this?" Kylie asked flipping through the pages.
"All the rules of being hell's ruler." The cat massaged Kylie's blanket as Kylie sat down next to the cat.
"Why would I need this?" She examined a picture with three circles, all different colors, with the word "SOULS" under them in big letters.
"Oh y'know ruling the world, killing your parents, all sorts of fun stuff!"
  "Seems interesting enough." Kylie closed the book right and threw it onto her desk then fell onto her bed almost on top of the cat. "Tomorrow."
  "Hmmm fair enough." The cat crawled over and made himself comfortable on Kylie's stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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