Chapter 2 - The Starting

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"I'm not doing it!" Tyler said as another card flied to his foot and he picked it up.

Do the dare or the dare does you.

"I think you should do the dare." Veronica said.

"I am not doing it!" Tyler said leaving the room and heading to the kitchen. He grabbed an bear and drink it. Then a writing appeared on the wall.


"What the hell?" He said as a knife moved to the edge of the table. He then stumble back as a chair from the back of him moved towards him pushing his back to the table and he then felt a sharp piercing slice across his back.

"ARH!! HELP!!" He shout in pain as he fell to the ground. Veronica, Maddie and Jessi then came inside the kitchen.

"ARH!" They screamed as they saw him on the floor. They all quickly went to his aid.

"What happened?!" Maddie asked with an shocked yet scared face.

"It...wasn't...I..." He stumbled on his words. Jessi and Veronica then looked at each other terrified.


Everyone was gathered sitting back in the living room. Trina, Tyler's sister was fixing a band aid on the injured part in Tyler's back.

"Ty, are you sure?" Veronica asked him.

"Yes! What? You don't believe?!" Tyler asked.

"It's just not sounding....normal." Maddie said.

"I'm not making this shit up." He said.

"Maybe you were imagining things." Lesley said.

"What about his injury?" Jessi asked.

"I don't know. Let's just get you to an hospital." Brad said as everyone agreed.

As they were leaving they saw the door shut closed.

"ARH!" The girls screamed out in fear.

"What the hell!" David yelled as all the windows started closing and all the doors slamming shut.

"What's going on?!" Maddie asked just then a voice spoke from inside the house.

"YOU'VE STARTED IT SO FINISH IT! THREE ROUNDS! DO THE DARE OR THE DARE DOES YOU! YOU LIE YOU DIE!" The evil horsed voice said. Everyone looked at each other terrified.

"Die?" Lesley asked confused.

"What is this shit?" Tyler asked.

"Let's check our phones!" Maddie said as they all took out their phones.

"There's no frickin signal!" Brad said angrily.

"Let's look for a way out!" Veronica said as they all ran separately all over the house.

"Guys! There's no way out!" David said.

"Now what?!" Lesley asked.

"It's all a stupid dumbass game!" Trina said looking angrily at David.

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