Surprisingly Meeting the King of Pop

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Michael P.o.v

I'm here at the John and friend's orphanage. I'm so happy to be here at this orphange. Today going to be a good day.

" So Michael you ready to meet the kids?" John asked .

" Yes John, but can you tell me a little more about this orphanage please?" I asked.

Sure Michael, what would you like to know about us?" John asked giving me a friendly smile.

I was about to speak again when I saw John trying to get someone attention. I turned around and glance at the most at the most beautiful girl. John walks over to the door and knocked to it. When he did that she looked up at him with her grey eyes, black hair with blue high light, her smile is beautiful, and her lips I just want to kiss.

" I wonder what her name is?

Lovely P.O.V

John just waved for me to come in his offices I don't want to but have to go in there. I twist the door open walk in the room. Omg!!!!!!! Michael Jackson is looking at me right now I just want to run right out the door. He look so sexy in his red shirt, black pants, and his Jordan's. He is smiling at me okay Lovely Angel Smith play cool.

"Hello I'm Michael Jackson. I'm pretty sure you know that, but you can call me Michael. And what your name?" Michael said giving me a beautiful smile.

"Hello Michael I'm Lovely nice to meet you. I'm a fan of your Michael, but I'm not  a crazy fan girl" I said sticking out my hand for he can shake it.

" Lovely, what a beautiful name for a beautiful and lovely lady" Michael said shaking my hand then bring it to his lips and kisses it.

I feel my legs go weak a little bit and John is looking at Michael all evil.

  But I don't care about John. I hope Michael is ready to meet his fans today. The kids going to be so happy. I'm trying to play it cool, but inside I'm screaming and jumping up and down.

John P.O.V

   Michael is getting to friendly with Lovely she all mine I'm the one that raped her a month ago. And she still working here she might loved my dick. Who can blame her my dick is big if I say so my self. He better not try to take her a way from me or he will have hell to pay for if he do. Why Lovely have to be just lovely?

Michael P.O.V

   Her name is Lovely that's a beautiful name for her. I hope she don't have a boyfriend? Because I want to be him even knowing I just meet her. She is beautiful I can't help myself I has to have her. I need to get to know her more John told me I can take the kids out for lunch so I will asks Lovely if she want to come. Hopefully she say yes. What if she say no?

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