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Alice and Naomi got pretty tired quickly so they went back to their tents and the boys went off to their tent too. Me and Micah were sat at the end of the doc. He was in his jeans but I still had his shirt on.

"You can keep it." He said not looking at me. I looked confused.

"My shirt." He clarrified before I could argue he changed the subject.

"It must be nice, having a break, since you're new the teachers push you harder for the first year." he said crossing his legs and turning to face me, I followed his actions and sat cross legged too. 

"You get used to it." I mumble. I lead down on my back and stared up at the stars. Micah stayed sat up but his eyes focused on my face. Until, his eyes wondered down to my legs.

"You have goosebumps. You're cold we better get going." He chuckled. He stood up and held his hand out. I reluctantly gripped onto him and pulled myself up. He walked me back to my tent. I unzipped it so see Alice and Naomi sharing a tent. I look back up to Micah and thanked him.  Instead of replying his eyes flicked to my lips, he leant in slightly before shaking his head and he walked away. I sigh, I just want to kiss him already, why is he hesitating. I stumbled into my tent and into my compartment. Falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up with the sun this morning. I walked over to the campfire where Naomi sat by herself. I sat opposite her and wiggled my eyebrows at her. She giggled quietly.

"Shut up." She tried not to smile, but was failing terribly. Her eyes went to my torso and then looked up at me with a smirk.

"Micah, huh?" She asked. I looked down to see I still have his shirt.

"He told me I could keep it, we didn't do anything." I said defensively, looking down to my feet so she couldn't me flushed cheeks. She just laughed. I ran back to the tent so no one else got the wrong idea. I changed into black high waisted shorts high tops and a plain white shirt that I tucked into my short. I sat back over at the fire where Jack, Micah and Dylan now were.

I took a seat next to Naomi with some fruit to eat for breakfast. We held up some small talk whilst we ate until the teacher came up to us to explain the task today. By now everyone was huddled around the fire. 

"You'll all be walking back to the HQ, in your backpacks you'll have a compass and a map and supplies like water and food." Mr Bang explained to which we all nodded. We set off down a long windy path through the woods. Alice and Naomi held hand as the walked, one had a map the other had a compass.

Jack and Dylan paired with the girls so they could find their way back altogether. Micah and I were doing it solo. I was going to suggest being in a pair but he seemed distant which was confusing because he was fine last night. I caught up to him which he reluctantly slowed down so I could talk to him.

"What's up with you? You were fine yesterday?" I asked confused.

"Yesterday was dumb, it was a break from reality." He mumbled not even bothering to look at me. I sighed in defeat.

"What do you mean-" He cut me off.

"Just back off Shei!" He barked speeding up again leaving me speechless.

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