The One That I Want (SoraxReaderxRoxas)

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Sora was lying on the beach, eyes closed and just passing the threshold to blissful sleep. Next to him sat (Name), who stared blankly off into the distance. Losing interest in her current train of thought, she turned to glance at her companion. She let out a light chuckle at the sight. It would be better to wake him up, but he was so adorable the way he was.

Then an idea hit her. She smirked evilly as she maneuvered onto her knees beside the brunette. Quietly, she said, "Dear princess, what witch so foul did cast you into your deep slumber?" She fought back laughter as she brushed her bangs behind her ear, "Then, with this kiss, may the spell be broken." She closed her eyes as she leaned forward and gently kissed Sora on the lips. She opened her eyes and leaned back. Seeing he was still asleep, she gasped, "Fair princess, what is this curse so strong that not even true love's kiss can break?!" She shot to her feet and shook her fist at the sky, "Damn you, vile witch!"

Sora sat up and rubbed on of his eyes, "Jeez, (Name), what's with all the noise?" (Name) gasped, fell to her knees and threw her arms around him, causing them to fall back onto the sand, "(N-name), what's wrong?"

She nuzzled the crook of his neck and said, "My beloved princess, I feared you might never wake again," she lifted her head and stared straight into Sora's eyes, "And the thought of living without you was too much to bare." She leaned in and kissed him again, letting her lips linger on his for a few moments. She pulled back and chuckled at Sora's flushed, and confused, face.

Not for a second taking his eyes off her, he sat up. "You know- wait..." a wave of realization hit him, "Princess?!" (Name) tried to suppress her laughter. "Why am I the princess?!"

"'cause it would be weird to say 'My fair prince, your saviour is here!', duh," she said with a smirk.

"Why would you say any of that anyway?"

"Because I can," she smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "And because you're so much fun to mess with."

Sora huffed and folded his arms, "Glad teasing me amuses you so much," he said, looking away.

(Name) turned so that she was sitting side-by-side with Sora and laid her head on his shoulder, "You know I wouldn't treat you like this if I didn't love you." It was true. Though she teased all her friends, her boyfriend, Sora, had it somewhat differently. With her friends, in each of the few times the physical affection was pressing the edge of platonic, she would hesitate; sometimes to the point of completely stopping. With him, however, it was obvious that any romantic gesture occurred without even a second thought.

Sighing, he relaxed his arms and leaned his head against her's, "I know." He smiled and gently grabbed her hand, entwining their fingers. (Name) smiled and slid as close as she could to Sora's side.

Unbeknownst to her, Sora once again felt a familiar tugging sensation at his heart. He knew exactly what was happening and why.


Sora knew how he felt towards her, even without hearing it. Of course, he would never tell anyone, especially (Name). What good would it do? Knowing how soft-hearted she was, telling her Roxas' feelings would only push her away. So, as awful as it made him feel, Sora pushed Roxas out of his thoughts yet again.

Of course, (Name) would never tell him, or anyone else, that the real reason she was with Sora was so she could be as close as possible to Roxas. She felt horrible for leading Sora on, but at least this way, Sora could be happy too.

Both of them felt horrid about their secrets, but they didn't care. They were young and in love and that's all that mattered.

"I love you, (Name)."

"I love you too, Sora."

((So much fail... Dx Moving on, Kingdom Hearts belongs to Disney and Square Enix and sorry for any OOC-ness.))

The One That I Want (SoraxReaderxRoxas)Where stories live. Discover now