Circle of Claims

19 3 1

Book: Circle of Claims
Genre:  Werewolf

Title: The title pretty un-cliche and original, also keeps the reader intrigued.

Cover: I like the cover especially the background really brings out vibe of the book vibrantly and is also related to the content.

Content: As far as I've read the content is pretty good. Also I love how the writer introduced all he characters in a very non-cheesy way like other wattpad books (no offense if anyone got that kind of a book though lol) e.g: omg hi i forgot to introduce myself its me....

Narration: The book is very well sequenced. The flow of narration is smooth.

Description: The description is pretty good as far as I read, but if you add more humour to it your book will spark out really well.

Vocabulary: Pretty decent vocabulary used.

Language: Not any cuss words I've come across

Writing structure: No typos or gramatical errors as I read and the paragraph formation is beautiful.

P.s: Fangirling over Everett lol

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