The whole rp beginng

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This story will be continued

This is just the beginning

There will be a saga of 4 parts


Hi Everyone This Is A Rp

With My Friend, Please No Hate

If You Wanna Rp With Us Comment Your Kik

Mines Is: MsHannahRespect

My Friends: XoxChychy815


Queen Of Time Meets A Magic Myth

The Queen Of Infinity



Nina Was Sitting On The Park Bench With Her Dog

She had no friends, family, only her dog

She was talking to her dog and people gave her weird looks as they walked by

until she got up and started walking towards the bathroom she bumped into you

"S-Sorry, i wasnt looking"

Zia Lord : Last of the time lords or so she thinks.lord of time and space it's self. The most smartest person ever alive and still the smartest since time it's self began. Traveling in the tardis with fellow companion rose Tyler.

Tardis crashes leaving them clueless from who they really are. There memory is gone and replaced with fake on earth memories. But they don't know that.

Zia : Steps out of tardis and bumps into you

Zia : " oh um hi "

Rose : Doesn't know who zia is and walks away and never returns O.O

Zia : Sorry I didn't see you there ..

*her dog runs away*

"K-Kimi Come Back, as she ran towards her dog, and quickly apologized, S-Sorry Again!"

Zia: * confuzzled * Okay .. * Walks away *

Zia : - Thinks : I wonder if I should help her with her dog .. -

Zia : Want me to help you catch your dog .. ?

*T-Turns around showing her face full of tears*

"T-Too Late, as she points at the dead dog in front of the car"

Zia : * Crippledly bends over and holds her stomach * I-I'm so sorry ..


{Magic Included}

| Nina's magic couldnt be hidden anymore

that dog was the only thing keeping her alive

her sadness made her magic grow stronger, a strong magic aura came off from her body, then *bam* a storm formed

the water was rising she was crying the wind was blowing

who can save the world who can change time and save them |

Zia: .. I can help you ..

Zia: I'm really Zia Lord

Zia: the last of the time lords I can travel through space and time I own time itself


*Looks at you and uses magic to lift you in the air next to her*


*she said her face full of tears but a bit calmed*

Zia : I shouldn't be telling anyone this.

Zia:But .. Who are you?

Zia:We might wanna take this privet people are always trying to kill me.


"N-Nina A Magic Myth, Queen Of All Magic, Angels, Etc but i was never able to master time, which i always wanted to master but someone i heard was the Queen of Time, and ive been longing to find her"

Zia: Welp here I am the " Queen " of time but j prefer to be called the lord of time .. But anyway you can all me queen .

Zia: the face of bo has predicted that there is another person like me. But so forth that is not possible in the last time lord. But he said the other time lords name is

The doctor

I'm the queen

And my brother

The master

He has vanished I don't know if he is alive but he is a time lord


"Y-Your Zia!"

*she said sad yet happy

because she knew Zia can not only get her dog back but save her parents in time and be happy with her siblings*

"C-Can You Help Me!"

He can be in any period of time and Galaxy any universe any period of time.there for I will never find him

Zia:yes I am zia and I could help you.

Zia:but I have to warn you.

Zia: when your with me your never safe


*She put on a confident face while the earth calmed*

"Listen, your only the ruler of time, i got everything else and the immortality of a vampire, your never safe with me, people target me, i had three friends before, now i dont, there dead"

*she said with a straight face as she flew away waiting for you while people stood there in shock after all has happen, is there truly such things as magic or just an act*

Zia : not so fast - uses magic and makes her drag down back to the ground right into the front of her frozen in time but can see everything going on -

Zia: I've had more that just three silly useless friends. Okay ? I've had billions. I'm older than time it's self.Almost everyone that I've be known ends up dying because of me. You will never be safe once you step into the tardis

[Nina](not done rp but temporally ending)

Bish Whet!

You No Tell Me What To Do

i finished this convo we continue some other time

walks out while *Boss Ass Bish* Plays

And Flips hair and struts!

Zia's (Being Stupid XD)









Small on the outside

Bigger on inside

There are only 5 left.

Here's one the other 3 are with the other time lords

( so they say but I suppose to be the only time lord left )

And the last one is in a museum.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2014 ⏰

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Queen Of Time Meets A Magic MythThe Queen Of InfinityWhere stories live. Discover now