Fallout of the Louds Part 3

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*Curse words will be in this. And....These are the last of the Loud sisters. However if you think that there's not another part in this then you'll be surprised cause Friendship is going to die. 😈


Lori was heading to the mall ready to meet all of her friends including her best friend/ rival Carol Pringrey. When she arrived..She noticed that most of the mall goers were glaring at her, but it didn't bother her. When he arrived near her friends...She noticed that they stopped talking and glared at her with livid expressions on their faces. When suddenly Carol slapped Lori across the face..hard.

"What the hell..Carol?" Lori yelled.

"You deserve it for making your brother sleep in the backyard. What were you thinking Lori..I never expected you of all people to do that to one of your siblings." Carol Said.

"Oh..You talked to that waste of space. She and the other traitors left with that badluck to an unknown location which is perfect in my opinion since it means that my hands will stay clean." Lori Said.

"Lori...you're a bitch." Becky Said.

"What did you call me?" Lori yelled.

"A bitch. Only a cold hearted person would be glad that her family is separated from each other and in our eyes...you and your remaining sisters are the traitors." Becky Said.

"Why you.." Lori started but stopped once her cellphone rang. Slowly grabbing it..She was it was her beloved Boo Boo Bear.

Hey Bobby Boo Boo Bear. I can talk later..I was in the middle of a conversation with my friends.

Lori..This can't wait. Why? Why did you kick Little bro out of the house?

Bobby...I can explain. You see...The Badluck...

He has a name Lori and it's Lincoln. I can't believe that I wasted all those years being faithful to you when you suddenly do this to your own little brother.

That Badluck is not my brother!!

Yes he is. When I met you...you were the sweetest and prettiest girl that I ever laid my eyes on and I thought that you cared for your siblings.

Those traitors are not my siblings. And that bitch with them isn't my mother. 

What the fuck Lori? I can't believe that the girl that I feel for what have a cold heart. And that's why I decided to end this.

You surely don't mean that Boo Boo Bear. I'm still the same Lori that you feel for so why don't you we talk about this later.

No. There is no talking about this. The Lori that I fell for would never treat her siblings and mother this way. It's clear that the Lori that I fell in love with died long ago. I was so blind to see it, but now I can see clearly. Lori...You are a monster and I don't think that could settle down with someone like that. So don't attempt to call me, text me or visit me anymore cause we're through. Goodbye Lori.

After the phone call..Lori crushed her phone in a rage and started to curse Lincoln's name.

"What's wrong Lori? Did your precious Boo Boo Bear crush your heart?" Carol Asked. Lori quickly  rushed towards Carol with the intent to hurt her when she was tased by the Mall cops.

"How could you do this to me? We were friends." Lori Shouted.

"Yes we were. And now that friendship is over. We don't want to keep being friends with you if you have little disregard to your brother's safety. Goodbye Lori because we don't want to see your face for as long as we live." Becky Said.

The three girls quickly walked away without looking at Lori while she struggled against the mall cops. As she was dragged away..She planned revenge on Lincoln. And was prepared to make him pay by any means necessary.


When Lynn left the house, she quickly went to baseball practice where she noticed that her teammates were glaring at her along with the coach.

"Sorry I was late Coach. Had to deal with some crazy stuff back at the house." Lynn Said.

"Actually you're right on time. So tell me something Lynn...Did you blame your brother for the lose that we took a couple of days back?" The Coach Said.

"Yes. He ruined the game." Lynn Said bluntly.

"Lynn...He was just sitting there supporting you. Do you know how bad this makes our team look if our caption blamed someone else for her own faults?" Margo Said.

"Exactly. Lynn..We play for fun...not winning." The Coach Said.

"But why play if you don't win? Winning is fun and it's all that matters." Lynn argued.

"Are you fucking kidding me Lynn? That's not what playing sports is about. Also I've been informed that you had your teammates do good luck rituals before the start of each game." The Coach Said with a livid expression.

"What's wrong with those rituals..They help us win." Lynn Said.

"Lynn..These rituals make us look stupid. We love to play...That's a fact, but not if we constantly have to stop going to the bathroom until after the game." Margo Said.

"Lynn...I talked with the other coaches and let me say this...You let us down. You let us all down. Sports doesn't deal with luck...It's about having fun with teammates. Teammates that have been suffering at the hands of these rituals for far too long." The Coach Said.

"But coach there rituals are important. They help us..." Lynn tried to argue.

"No..Working hard and practice helps us. So with a heavy heart I have to inform you that you're banned from playing sports and you're off the team. I expect you locker to be cleared out and your uniform cleaned with your helmet polished." The Coach Said.

"You can't do this." Lynn yelled.

"I just did. Lynn...You're also kicked off the other teams." The Coach yelled.

"I can't believe this. It's that badluck's fault...isn't it. When I get my hands on him..I'll..."Lynn started before Margo slapped her.

"Lynn...I used to think that you were cool, but now I only see a pathetic loser who likes to pass the blame towards others. Consider our friendship over." Margo Said.

Lynn quickly got up and angerily went to clean out her locker while thinking of ways to punish Lincoln for her misfortune. She didn't know that Margo was speaking for all of her friends who were disgusted with her attitude.

She also didn't know that when she saw Lincoln again..karma will come to bite her once again.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter? 

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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