Chapter 29

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Dinah's P.O.V

"I don't want to give up on this" I sigh out with my face on Ally's lap. We were currently at her apartment in her room discussing what happened with Normani on our double date. Its been about two weeks, three days and 10 hours since we've spoken and it's taken a toll on me. I didn't know how much I'd miss her, especially since we only just started...whatever this is, a couple weeks ago. The shorter blonde was currently running her small hands through my hair in an attempt to calm me.

"Then don't Dinah, it's not hard. Clearly, Normani is dealing with something but doesn't want to voice it. You have to be understanding" the Latina spoke soothingly.

"But I am Ally," I whine sitting up and looking at my short friend.

"Really? Are you Dinah? What did you do when she told you that he wasn't the problem?" she says with a complete change of tone.

"That's not fair I-" I start only to be cut off.

"What did you do?" The blonde spoke in a scolding tone, leaving no room for discussion.

"I thought that I was the problem," I tell her, giving up.

"No, you assumed and is that understanding?"

"But she didn't say anything so it's not like I was wrong" I groan.

"Or she saw you were upset and didn't want to make you angrier or get into another argument" Alessia, Ally's roommate gives her input from her place at Ally's desk.

"How is this somehow my fault?" I ask looking between the two girls. It was starting to feel like they were only taking Mani's side.

"No one's blaming you, Dinah, you're both in the wrong here" Ally sighs earning a look from Alessia that says differently.

"I just don't know what I'm doing wrong"

"You're not telling her how you feel, you're just getting pissed off" Alessia jumps in, "Next time try to make it more obvious about how you feel by telling her straight to her face"

"I've tried and failed. Mani always has this way of brushing important things off so it's not easy to talk about the serious things. I mean we just started dating for a reason" I grumble to the older girl, thinking about every time Normani had dodged our conversations.

"That doesn't mean you just don't try talking. If you want this to work out between you then you have to put in the work" Ally tells me. She was right but I was worried about us having another argument.

"I have an idea, why don't we list the pros and cons," Alessia says excitedly.

"The pros and cons of dating Normani?" I ask.

"Yeah, I know you have some up there I see the cogs turning in there, spill" Alessia laughs moving onto the bed with me and Ally.

"Pros or cons first?" I ask looking between the older girls.

"Cons" Ally looks over at Alessia with a glare and earns a shrug.

"Gotta tear her down to build her back up" the curly-haired girl mumbles.

"Well, she's not out, she's paranoid, she avoids conflict, she's scared-" I list off.

"Scared of what?"

"Letting me love her," I say realizing how true it actually was. She was so hesitant about this and it was hard to just get her to relax and just forget about the world and let it just be us. But I would admit that when it's just us it's different, much different. Which is enough for me, for now.

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