Chapter 1

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Alyson was super bored, so she checked Facebook. She had been chatting with Jan for the past 2 weeks, and she had a new message. She replied ASAP.

Alyson was so spazzed that she literally started jumping around her bed, tripped over her blanket, fell off, and laughed.

Jan had posted something new on his FB wall. It said "Going to Cali on Saturday to meet a fan, Daisy P."

Alyson was ecstatic. That was her Username! She didn't even know what to do with herself. The first thing she did was tell her parents. Then she posted it on her Instagram. Then on FB, and any other Social Media, including Tumblr. 😹

She couldn't sleep knowing that her future husband was coming to meet HER tomorrow. She woke up at 7:30 to get ready.

4 hours later she was all ready. Alyson was anticipating Jan's arrival in her boss grey Jordans. (Sorry. I had to add that in. I'm so lame. 😹)

At about 12:33 she heard a knock at her door. She ran as fast as she could. When she opened the door she couldn't believe it. Jan Uczkowski, her future husband, was standing in the doorway! She was ecstatic. Jan was standing there, he looked shocked, as did Alyson.

Jan was the first to say a faint "Hey." Alyson began crying tears of joy as he made his way inside.

Jan put his arm around her and said "Don't cry, it's just me." Alyson's first reaction was to wrap her arms around him tightly.

10 minutes later when she had stopped crying, dried her eyes and washed her face, they took selfies together and posted them on every social media.

"I-I can't believe you're actually here!" said Alyson finally.

"I can't believe I'm here either..." said Jan, trailing off a little bit.

Alyson automatically was in love. There was NO denying it, whatsoever.

Jan said "Lets go to Starbucks!"

By the time they got back, they went to the mall for a few hours. At 10:30 Jan said "I really don't want to leave, maybe I can come back tomorrow. I had a lot of fun."

"S-sure!!!" said Alyson, totally in love.

"Ok. I'll text you. See you tomorrow!" said Jan.

"Ok. 😸!" Said Alyson.

5 minutes later she got a text. It was from Jan.

"Hey babe" said Jan.

"Hey. Vas hapenin'?" said Alyson.

"Nothin much. I got a ride so I can text you as much as I want."

"Cool! OMG I still can't believe I met Jan Uczkowski today!!!"

"I have something to tell you."


"I really like you, like, a lot."

"... Really?!"


"I can't believe this. This is seriously LE BOMB!!! 😽"

"Ily. I should go to bed now. It's 11:30."

"Really?! Wow. We've been talking forever, then."

Alyson got ready for bed, hardly being able to mentally process the fact that Jan Uczkowski liked her.

Alyson woke up at 6:30 to get ready again. She seriously went all out. Like...😹

At around 11:15 Jan arrived.

"Hey." Said Jan

"Hi!!" Said Alyson

"What should we do?" she said.

"Lets just chill on the couch for a while." He said.

"Ok" said Alyson.

1 hour later..

"So... um..." said Jan, trailing off a bit.

"Yeah?" said Alyson.

"I wanted to know..." He said.

"What's up?" she said back.

"Will you go out with me?" he asked shyly.

"Oh...My....God!!!!! Yes!!!" screamed Alyson.

"Ok! cool. 😊" Said Jan.

"Oh my God. He just asked me out!!!" thought Alyson.

"Oh my God! I actually had the guts to do it! I owe Oliver $5!" thought Jan.

"I really like you..." Jan trailed off.

"I really like you too, like ever since I was 5!"

"Aww...." said Jan.

Jan and Alyson just hung out in the house all day chatting away.

"I still can't believe I'm dating Jan Uczkowski!!" Said Alyson.

"I can't believe I'm dating my biggest fan." Said Jan.

Jan planted a kiss on Alyson's cheek 😘.

"😊😘" Alyson did back.

Before they knew it, it was 11:15.

"Can I stay the night? it's really late."

"Of course!" said Alyson.

"Ok. Let me tell my mom." said Jan.

"Yes! she said yes." He cheered.

"What time is it?" asked Alyson.

"Oh my God! it's already 12:30!

"How?!" asked Alyson.

"Dunno. Heh." he said.

"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" asked Alyson.

"10:30 P.M." he said." I wanted to do something special tomorrow. I'll tell you later."


Deeper and deeper in love... (A Jan Uczkowski fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now