Part 13: is she gone?

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     Vanessa POV 10:35 am:
It was a very long night last night and I came clean to Mads about my cancer. I haven't told anyone besides her about it, but I am planning on telling Cami and Charles soon. Camis been acting very weird around me lately and Mads thinks she has a crush on me but I don't believe that what so ever. It was ten and I just woke up with no Mads in my arms. I than sat there and called for her but there was no answer. "What the hell?" I say very confused on where she could be. I walk into the kitchen to see Mads with her headphones in cutting strawberry's. God she's so gorgeous ! The second I woke up I didn't feel all that good but just seeing Mads made it hurt less. I giggled as she began dancing in a very silly way. When she spun around she noticed me laughing and immediately took her headphones out. "Baby your up !" She says with a very big smile. "I am my love" I say as she made her way over to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck holding me tightly. I could tell she was living in the moment because we never hug for exactly 10 minutes. After our hug broke she stared into my eyes and smiled. This morning she's been acting weird but it's only because she's realized she might lose me for good. And that scares me but look that's how life goes.
      After breakfast Mads mentioned Celina went to go see a friend and that she'd be out all day. "So since celinas gonna be out all day I was wondering if you wanted to begin telling people about your cancer?" She said while at the table. "Should I wait to tell celina first?" I asked her because it's only right to tell my sister first. "I thought you'd want to hold off because she just got here ya know?" Mads said taking my hand. "Yeah your right, so should I invite Cami and Charles over?"
Madelaines POV:
When I mentioned telling Vanessas friends about having cancer I expected her to tell lili, skeet and Vero about it but No ! Vanessa chooses her ex boyfriend and the girl that has a crush on her to tell first. Well that's fucking great. "Oh um I guess it's up to you babe" I said very annoyed but tried not to act like it. She than giggled "your cute when your jealous" she said as she got up putting the phone to her ear. She walked off to the bedroom as I screamed at her "I'll be watching the whole time !" "Of coarse sweetie" she screamed back. I knew I could trust Vanessa not to cheat but Cami and Charles on the other hand was a totally different story. I say put my plate in the sink and went to sit on the couch, I could hear Vanessa giggling and the bedroom and it made me upset. I know I shouldn't be jealous but how could you not be ? It just scares me, any minute Vanessa could leave me for another person. I've always had very bad trust issues and anxiety when people touch me. But I've never felt this way for someone in my whole life. I mean she's the only person I like roughing me, when she holds my hand I never want to let go, or when we wake up with me in her arms I never want to move. I sat there thinking about how hard it would be to lose Vanessa. I could lose her in two ways, one being her leaving me for someone else or... her dying. It really hasn't fully hit me that she has cancer. I mean I've been crying a lot since I found out but it only half way hit me. And I was a big mess last night and I can't imagine how bad it'll be when I finally fully realize it's real. I love Vanessa more than I can love anyone in the world and losing her in any way scares. Snapping me out of my thoughts I hear Vanessa.
"Baby?" Vanessa said walking towards me, "yeah?" I said looking at her as she walked around the couch to the front. "So, I've been meaning to talk to you"Vanessa said as she sat next to me. "What about?" Oh god was she gonna tell me she was leaving me for Cami ! Or Charles ! "About the dog" I was very confused now but relived. "I forgot to tell you last night but he's actually not ours" she said looking guilty. Right as I was about to say something she cut me off "I'm really sorry, we're just adopting him for the time being until he finds a home, I just thought having a dog would be too much on our plate at the moment" she said still looking guilty playing with her hands "my love it's okay I understand, plus it's good he's not our full responsibility because I only need to be taking care of you" I said taking her hand in mine. "Also umm speaking of Paws uh where is he?" Vanessa said confused. "Oh celina kidnapped him for the day" I said giggling. "Good we're alone for the day !" Vanessa said with a seductive tone and a smirk. "I thought Cami and Charles were coming over?" I said as I rolled my eyes at just the thought of them. " I decided not to tell them and wait, I really don't want everything to change so quickly" Vanessa said. "Okay that's fine, it's your decision my love" I said pecking her lips. "Oh and would you look at that" Vanessa said looking around the house. "At what babe?" I said looking around the house "we're alone" she said with a smirk. She than climbed on top of me with both legs on the side of mine. It quickly got heated.
Vanessa POV 3:56 pm:
     It now was almost four and Mads and I haven't done anything productive all day expect for ya know...;) Were now in bed watching Netflix as Mads is laying on my chest with her legs and arms wrapped around my body. Since I've told her about my cancer she's been very clingy which I love but I don't want it to feel like I'm dying. If I do die I want to feel like my last months or days on earth we're normal days with the love of my life. I haven't been feeling good since this morning expect during Mads and I's intimate moment. I decided to get some water because I haven't drank some all day. "Baby can you get up I'm gonna go get some water" i whisper down at Mads. "I'll get it for you" Mads says getting up. I laid there  and decided to get up and change into spandex and take my shirt off because I was very hot. As I was getting up Mads walked in with my glass of water. But while I walked over the the closet I got really dizzy. I began loosing sight of where I was going and it all went blurry. That was the last thing I remember.
         Madelaines POV:
   Vanessa than collapsed to the floor, I dropped my water running over to her. My heart stopped "baby! Baby!" I kept streaming for her but she wouldn't answer. I rushed to the side of my bed and called 911. When I hung up with them I held Vanessa in my arms crying. I held her right, she was breathing but it was faint. Than the ambulance finally arrived after what felt like ages. We were in the hospital all night and she still wasn't awake. It turns out her cancer was worse, than they thought it was a couple weeks ago. I guess the cancer got worse in only a weeks which was bad. I stayed with Nessa the entire time until I feel asleep on the chair next to her around 2. I than woke up to the best voice in the world. "Baby?" It was faint but I heard it. I looked up from my chair and saw Nessa looking at me with a faint smile. "Baby!" I screamed getting out of my chair and running after her. "I missed you" I said hugging her, by now I was crying. I than pulled out of the hug "baby why are you crying?" She said as she slowly lifted her hand to my tear wiping it away. " I really thought I was gonna lose you and..." than I remembered what the doctor told me, I looked down at the ground. Even the thought of what he told me made me want to ball my eyes out. "What" She said trying her best to speak. "The cancer got worse, ... your in stage 4 cancer.." I began crying but she didn't. she than began coughing while trying to speak "baby w-we need to (cough) t-alk" she than sat up with my help. I scooted my chair next to her bed and grabbed onto her hand. "Looks Ma-" she than was interrupted by the doctor "excuse me mrs.mziray?" Vanessa looked over to him "can we speak in private?" He asked. "Yeah of coarse" Vanessa said, "hey babe can you go to the cafeteria and get me a salad?" Vanessa said. "Of coarse my love" I grabbed my purse and kissed Vanessa on the forehead before I left.
      When I returned with a salad in hand Vanessa was crying. I quickly set down everything on the table and rushed over to her. "Baby what happened?" I said she looked up at me "please sit I need to tell you some things" Vanessa said sniffling her nose, as I did as told. "Just please don't interrupt until I'm done" she said as she held my hand as I nodded in agreement. "Mads I have never loved anyone as much I love you, and I truly mean that. I love all the little things you do for me even when you think I don't notice. Like when we argued on how to properly fold socks and now you fold socks the way I showed you because I like it that way. Or when you make me cereal you always put the milk in first because I'm weird and I like it that way." Vanessa and I than giggled. " you told me one day that you hate when people touch you but when it's me you love it. Which I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my life. I know we didn't get much time to be together but I want you to know I have never been happier than being with you. Nothing could amount to how much I love you. I want these next 3 months to be filled with happiness an-" I than interrupted. "What do you mean 3 months?" I said while my eyes began to water again. "Like I said Don't interrupt" I nodded in agreement. " Mads I love you so much, and I-I" Vanessa than began breaking down "I'm gonna miss you, I'm gonna miss waking up with you in my arms. Or how we would have tickle fights, when I'd wake up to see you dancing while making me breakfast." We both giggled while both crying very hard. "I'm gonna miss when you'd rub my back when there was a thunder storm, or when we would stay up all night just talking. I'm gonna miss your laugh, your smile. Just all of you madelaine" i got up and hugged her as tight as I could. I whispered down at her "I love you" were the last words to her
  I have had so much fun writing this book also this SERIES IN NOT OVER ! just Incase you thought it was. I think the series with be done in three more chapters. I will be starting a new story about choni/madnessa so be prepared. Thank you for the support it really makes me motivated. Sorry for not posting, sports have been crazy. Also sorry for not posting much but cheerleading has me running around everywhere:(😖❤️

    Those that are asking me why I don't describe the intimate moments is because I'm not gay or bi or anything so I don't know how that all works. I've been doing these stories because my best friend (that's lesbian) complains there's no good madnessa story's so for her birthday that's in December I'm making two novels about choni/madnessa that has everything she likes reading about😂Anyways hope you guys love the story:) 💛😂

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