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to your super quantum unit intel processor. Your SQUIP.

Just kidding! Hi! Welcome to this poor excuse of a book. Just a few things to go over:
•I do not own any of the characters named in this story
•this story is my own original idea and if it seems similar to another, it is pure coincidence
•this book is boyxboy, if you don't like it, don't read it
•the main ship in this is Boyf Riends
•This book may contain triggers (mostly cursing, there will probably be cursing in every chapter so I'm not gonna but a warning for that) and I will add a warning at the beginning of the chapter. If I seem to miss a a warning for any trigger, please let me know and I will add a warning immediately.
•There will also be a lot of time skips, sometimes I'll skip a couple days within a chapter. If its confusing, let me know and I'll make it clearer!

Feel free to add any comment, criticism, or corrections at any time!! I want to hear from my readers!!

And for fun there will be one word bolded in each chapter, and by the end of the book (which will only be 10 chapters) the words will make a sentence! Have fun with that!

That's all for now!

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