Not Heavenly

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| 2 | Not Heavenly | 2 |


The killer in bandages scowled and grunted  as his boots hit the jagged ground hustling away in the dusk of the night. Cradled in his arms was the dainty girl he just met. Her silky blonde hair that flowed down her back entangled itself into his hands that lifted her. Her body swayed, her gown swished, corresponding with his hasty movements. Evading those pesky cops had been a hassle but he had been a hefty distance away from the Gardner's household.

Zack kinda felt proud of himself. Not just one kill he had tonight, a second...but even a third to slaughter?

The girl he recklessly held tightly in his arms with no care-- Rachel Gardner. He had swept her away for no good reason, possibly just out of maliciousness but part of him still couldn't put his finger on it. 

"Why did I even take this girl in the first place?" 

He groaned. Maybe she was better off dead, What good would it do me toting a creepy bitch around?  Now that he had thought about it.. 

Was the girl even still alive? 

He couldn't tell nor did she make it clear. She was pale and her body felt like dead weight on him- almost as if she was lifeless. 

" I killed her ass unintentionally? Can't check right now though..." 

He was tempted to see if she really was breathing or not but now was not the time for that. He'd save her for later. If misfortune was upon her and she wasn't already at her demise, he sure planned on providing that for her anyway. 

He repudiated the idea of keeping this victim for too long. She was a perfect candidate to be killed , nothing more. Except -- he never gave his victims a choice of mercy or to stay around long for that matter. 

But oddly enough,  this girl made it hard for him to kill her right then. She's a peculiar one. 

The unconscious blonde astonishingly was still resting soundly. Rachel thought at that moment she was as good as dead, she wished she could thank this murderer for considering giving her such a wonderful gift--bringing her to heaven. 

Heaven would be far less miserable than the life she's lived up till now. 

But-- she shouldn't thank him too soon. 
For, she wasn't in eternal slumber yet, just knocked out cold. Senseless. 

This gave him an advantage. Completely vulnerable, she wouldn't be able to blow his cover, she wouldn't know any of her surroundings and most of all, no one would dare help her. Zack felt his adrenaline kick in. Not just because he was running for his life but the amusement he'd get out of actually striking fear into this fairly small and cute young woman. He wouldn't have any second thoughts about killing her if she enticed this whole ordeal. 

The stomps of his heels stopped. They hit concrete. He was finally in a familiar urban area once again. 

The murderer scurried around any corner he could find. Even if the people out here were mostly drunks, the homeless and prostitutes, he couldn't risk any of them spotting him. 

"Dammit I can't see shit ..." His steps were much more cautious. This street was as pit-black as night itself. He hadn't noticed but his grasp on the blonde was tighter now , she rested even closer to his chest. Rachel could feel his body heat emit onto her skin. 

She'd be coming to consciousness soon enough. 

The man in bandages sighed as he plopped himself down behind a dumpster in a usual back alley way he'd known just oh so well. He huffed out of breathe with the petite girl right in between him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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