Chapter 4- Quiddich Star

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Ok for the next part the Quiddich match is going to be that day because the book doesn't talk much about the time in between and it kind of just skims over a whole month. I know that I'm skipping a lot but just bear with me. It's probably just going to be a filler chapter.

In the morning, James, Lily, Peter, Remus, and Sirius got a shock when they woke up. (not a literal shock) Their trunks had mysteriously appeared in the morning.

"Um ok. Don't question it I guess?" Sirius said. James rummaged through his trunk.

"Excellent, the map and my cloak is in here." He had said. The boys met with Lily in the common room and she persuaded them to attend classes. Well, not Remus but the rest of them.

"Guys we have O.W.Ls this year! We still need to study."

"Fine. But no matter what subject Snivellus teaches I'm not going." James said.

"Fine. You can fail that subject then." Lily said. They all went down to breakfast to eat with the Griffindors. Lily went to sit with the bushy haired girl leaving the four boys.

"You'd think after all that she'd want to sit with us." James said.

"Well, she still does hate you mate." Peter told him. They sat down near the two boys that came through the portrait hole the other day. Remus pulled out a book and started to read.

"Honestly, don't you ever stop reading Remus?" Sirius teased.

"Can't hear you, I'm reading." Remus said without looking up. Sirius rolled his eyes playfully and went back to eating.

"So what school did you guys transfer from?" Hermione asked Lily.

"Oh, uh Ilvermorny." Lily said. Good thing she had researched other schools.

"Oh ok. You know your friend with the glasses?" She pointed at James. "He looks a lot like my friend."

"Oh that's weird. Which friend?"

"Harry Potter." Hermione expected her to be surprised or something, since she wasn't from there, but Lily didn't have a reaction.

"You mean the kid with the lightning bolt shaped scar? Oh yeah I see it. How come he has that?" Hermione looked at her.

"Wait are you joking?" Lily looked at her confused.

"Um, no? Why?" She asked.

"Ok I'm really not trying to be rude or anything, but he's famous- not that he really likes fame but he's survived the Killing Curse when he was little." Lily looked stunned.

"Oh wow. Who tried to kill him?"

"Voldemort. No one knows why he didn't die though."

"Huh, that's strange. Do you guys have Quidditch here?" Lily asked.

"Oh yeah, today's the first match. My friend Ron Weasley- it's his first game and he's really nervous. He's the one with red hair sitting next to Harry." Hermione thought it was strange that Lily didn't know Harry's story, especially since the Ministry was so against him this year, but for some reason she shrugged it off. She would start looking more into her though.

"Guys come on I just want to check before the game!" James dragged all his friends- including Lily to the Quidditch plaques. There in the case was a plaque that read James Potter- Seeker.

"Ha see Sirius! I told you I would get it!" James cheered.

"Ok great Potter can we go now? I have to tell you guys something." The five headed to the pitch with the rest of the school and sat down.

"Lily what is it?" Remus asked.

"Ok, so I know four people's names here. The kid with the scar is Harry Potter, the red head boy is Ron Weasley, the bushy haired girl is Hermione Granger, and there's a girl with long red haired named Ginny Weasley." Lily said.

"How do you already know this?" Sirius asked.

"Because Black, I actually talk to people." She retorted.

"Hey I talk to people! Just not a lot." He argued.

"Anyway, moving over that, apparently Harry Potter is famous."

"Yeah duh. He obviously will be if he has a famous Quidditch star for a dad!" James said. Lily rolled her eyes.

"I feel bad for whoever decided to marry you. Hermione told me that he survived a Killing Curse which is like, impossible."

"That's what his scar is from? I just thought he ran into a weirdly shaped pole or something." Sirius said.

"Our team doesn't look like it's doing too well." James said. The Griffindor Keeper hadn't been saving a lot of goals, and there was an annoying song coming from the Slytherin end.

"Ugh can't they shut up? That's so annoying, and it's really mean too." Lily said covering her ears.

"Geez they're more annoying than the Slytherins in our time period." Sirius said. Just then, Peter noticed that Lily had disappeared.

"Where's Evans?" He asked. They looked around and saw Lily at the Slytherin end.

"How'd she get there so fast?" James asked incredulously as Lily marched up to a pug faced girl who seemed to be conducting everyone.

"Hey, you!" Lily shouted. Pansy turned to her and sneered. Luckily, everyone was too focused on the game except the Marauders and some of the Slytherins.

"What do you want- who are you?" Pansy asked looking her up and down. Her eyes stopped at her red hair.

"Another Weasley? I expect that's your brother up there playing horribly?" Lily flipped her hair out of the way.

"Excuse me, just because we have the same hair color does not mean we are related! Your song is horrible! Not just because it it offensive,
but it is just straight up annoying! So could you do everyone a favor and SHUT IT." Lily said angrily. Pansy crossed her arms and got in her face.

"What're you going to do about it? Mudblood?"

The only thing the boys saw from the other side of the pitch was Lily tackling Pansy and hexing her a few times before walking away.

"She's mental mate." Sirius said to James.

"Yeah. But I love her."


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