"I'm nervous." Spencer leans over and whispers to me. I smile a small smile and shake my head.
"Absolutely no reason to be." I tell her and she knits her eyebrows together, studying my face for a moment before pulling back and nodding.
"Okay." She smiled as the jury entered the courtroom. In the end, I believe that it will be six against six in the jury room, and that's good for me as well. Deadlocks work. As they all trickled in and took their seats I looked over at Spencer who stared at them intently.
The 35-year-old mother of two children, whose husband cheated on her and left after ten years of marriage, the 18-year-old college student who hasn't yet grasp the concept of love, the 26-year-old medical student who likes to play RPG's about shooting and killing people, the 59-year-old mother of eight; all girls, the 32-year-old grocery store clerk who believes big businesses, like the one Mr. Dennison worked at, are corrupt and should be eradicated, and the 24-year-old student who's life has consisted of cheating boyfriends. These are my jurors, the people who I believe give Spencer the best chance in that jury room. Scott went in an entirely different direction of course, picking all business men who probably have wives they cheat on often when going out-of-town on their 'business' trips.
"All rise, the honorable Judge Matthenson residing." The bailiff tells us and we do as instructed.
"You may be seated." Judge Matthenson says and everyone in the courtroom sits. And when I say everyone... I mean the nearly one hundred people that have packed in to see this trial. Media included. A few of Spencer's friends and family on one side while Aiden's parents and other family on the other. I inwardly roll my eyes at the circus the media has created over this past weekend with the trial approaching. I guess they needed something to boost their ratings.
Judge Matthenson instructed the court of all the things he would and would not tolerate in his courtroom before we actually started.
"We will now here the prosecutions opening statement." Judge Matthenson says and Scott stands. I couldn't believe that the DA's office was letting him go at this one all on his own. Don't get me wrong, Scott's a good lawyer. But he's an Assistant District Attorney, they must be super confident in their case to not even have District Attorney Santos prosecuting the case.
Scott cleared his throat as he made his way over towards to podium in front of the jury. He reminded himself to control his hands, to keep them, despite his nervousness, at his sides and out of his face. The upper part of his body was clearly tense and you could see the sweat building on his brow. It was like he'd never prosecuted a case before. Then I realized, this is the first high-profile case he'd done alone.
I smiled to myself with this realization as Scott began to speak.
"Thank you, Your Honor. May it please the court, Ms. Davies, ladies and gentleman of the jury." He started, turning and gesturing to each respective party. "My name is Scott Williams. As the assistant district attorney responsible for prosecuting this case, it is my duty under law, but also my honor, to address you at this point on behalf of the people of the State of California." Scott's body began to relax as he continued to speak. "In the next few minutes I will outline how I propose to prove to you that on September 16th, 2012, Spencer Dennison, the defendant, murdered her husband Aiden Dennison. The evidence will show that the defendant committed that murder by intentionally shooting Mr. Dennison in the hand, chest, and back with a Ruger .22 caliber single action pistol owned by the victim—and she did so out of a combination of rage and greed." So that's his whole case? Spencer did it cause she was upset about that douche bag cheating and wanted his money. Oh, Scott... you're gonna have to do much better than that. He stepped from behind the podium, clearly becoming more comfortable, and walked towards the jury. "You will learn some things about the victim that may shock you, no doubt, but all I ask is for you to look at the evidence." Scott turned and glared at Spencer, before turning back to the jury and detailing at length, the specific witnesses and evidence he would present. After several minutes of bad mouthing Spencer, subtly of course, he suspended his narrative and glared at Spencer once again.
Okay really, what the fuck?
"Why does he keep looking at me like that?" Spencer leans over and whispers to me.
"Don't worry about it." I shake my head and whisper just as softly, "He's trying to rattle you that's all." I assure her and she nods.
"In the course of this trial you will also learn that the man the defendant killed was an exemplary human being and a dedicated family man and friend. At only twenty-seven-years-old he'd already become the CEO of a reputable marketing firm, the youngest the firm as ever had in its 145 years of existence." I have to admit, Scott's on a roll right now. Confidence sky-high as he continued to discuss a few other things about the case. "I will address you at the conclusion of this case and I will ask you to remember what I promised to prove today. I will ask you to remember that no crime is worse than murder, and that no petty reasons can excuse it. I will ask you to hold the defendant accountable for that crime, at a time when many people get away with murder, I'm asking you right here and now to refuse to allow this to happen in this case. Thank you for your courtesy and your attention." He finishes, walking back over to his seat and unbuttoning the buttons on his suit jacket with a slight smile on his face. I'm sure he was feeling both triumphant and relieved that it was over. When I stood to give my opening statement, I shot him a wink and a smirk and he shook his head.
"May it please the court, the people, and you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. My name is Ashley Davies and as counsel for the defense I have no obligation to present an opening statement. Indeed, we have no obligation to prove anything since my client must, by law, be presumed innocent. Nonetheless, I could not let go unchallenged the assertions that you have heard this morning, assertions which, contrary to Mr. Williams's representation, have no basis in fact." I pause as I move closer to the jury examining each one of them closely. "At this moment it would be understandable if you were a bit confused."I say with a patented Davies smile. "The people, in the person of Mr. Williams, have accused my client, Spencer Dennison, of a horrible murder. And worse, they have painted her as a woman with evil motives, as a wicked villain who was only with her husband for his money and subsequently murdered him to get it. What you have just heard, however, is a fable. A fabrication built upon a tissue-thin framework of unsubstantiated speculation that cannot withstand the piercing light of the truth." I knew I was going a little overboard but I figured Scott and I had this unspoken agreement: I didn't object to his bullshit during his opening statement so he didn't object to mine. I turn and glanced at him and he was telling me with his eyes to watch it. I smirked and continued. "Mr. Williams has asked you to look at the evidence, I beg you to do the same. For the evidence will show a very different story from the one you have heard. My client, a loving wife and daughter, incapable of harming a fly, let alone another human being. And her own husband? Whom she loved and adored unconditionally, although she'd found out about his cheating ways."
"Objection." Scott injected.
"Sustained," said the Judge, with a nod. Glancing in my direction he added, "Save it for the trial counselor." I nodded once and continued.
"You will learn in the course of this trial, that Mrs. Dennison has never been previously accused of any crime, never even received a parking ticket. Never harmed a soul. You will learn that she is not the greedy, manipulating monster that the prosecution is trying to make her out to be." I then described the witnesses that would support my theories of what really happened. "Look at the evidence, Mr. Williams stated, and that is the one thing we absolutely agree on. For if you have even a shred of reasonable doubt, you must resolve that doubt in favor of my client. You and you only possess the power and wisdom to end this nightmare for my client. To send her back home to her loving parents and friends who can attest to the wonderful person she is." I turned and glanced at Spencer who gave me a shy smile and looked away and from the corner of my eye of could see Scott looking back between the two of us. I quickly averted my gaze back to the jury. "Thank you so much for your time and attention." I smiled at them and took my seat. The judge declared a short recess and, following a brief conference on exhibits and order of witnesses, Scott began presenting his case.

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt (2012 Watty Winner)
Mystery / ThrillerAshley Davies is an up and coming female attorney in big city Los Angeles. Her career and sanity are put on the line when she is asked to represent Spencer Dennison, who is accused of murdering her husband. Can Ashley figure out who really killed Sp...