7 / 𝐢'𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲

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"What's that?" Five asks, pulling away from Y/n her forehead.

"What's what?" the girl asks him, still recovering from having his forehead against hers again and from the silence where she accepted that this is it.

Five's eyes narrow at something behind her, causing her to turn around.

A small device in the corner of Five's cell opens and before one of the two can find out what this device is, a sort of smoke comes out of it.

No, this isn't smoke. Y/n thinks. this is. .

"Sleeping gas." Five states, confirming what she was suspecting.

It makes sense that the handler wants the two asleep. Five and y/n won't give up without a fight. But if they are asleep, they can't fight back.

Y/n her eyelids become heavy, proving that the commission used something strong to put Number Five and her to sleep.

"I won't last much longer." the girl tells Five as she sits down onto the ground.

He sits down next to her and takes her hand in his, enfolding their fingers.

"Me neither." He closes his eyes but opens them again after a few seconds "We'll get out of here."

"I don't think it will be that easy." y/n says and she means what she said. Last time that she was in here, she spent more than a month before she actually got out. And looking back, y/n only got out because of the pity of Phill and hazel.

"Nothing has ever been easy for us." He says and y/n nods in response.

Nothing has ever been easy for them.

At this point, the two, but especially y/n, aren't able to keep talking anymore and their eyelids are becoming so heavy that there's no point in trying to stay awake.

The door opens and even that doesn't help the strong but now very weak girl to stay awake. No, she just keeps drifting into a deep sleep.

"I will do everything to get you out of here y/n. I don't want you to be locked up in here again." Five whispers, still having the energy to keep his eyes open but the girl doesn't hear him. She's already sleeping in his arms.

The handler walks into the room, followed by two unfamiliar agents. Her eyes fall upon Five, who's still awake but barely, sitting on the ground with a sleeping girl, y/n, in his arms.

"Pick her up and bring her to her own cell." She orders the two agents and they do as they've been told.

The weak attempts to stop the agents from taking the girl he loves away from his arms don't work out how Five wants them to. He tries to push them away but he doesn't succeed.

An agent holds Five's hands together so that he can't fight back anymore. If he wasn't drugged like this, Five would most certainly kill everyone who tries to keep him away from y/n. But now he can't and he has to watch how she is taken away by the second agent.

The agent that held five's hands, follows his colleague out of the cell soon after.

"The love you two share. It makes both of you vulnerable and weak." The handler says as she walks around in Five's cell.

"I don't care if it makes me vulnerable and weak. I love her." Five says, his eyes upon the handler.

"I know that you do." She says, stopping with walking around Five's cell when she's standing right in front of Five.

She kneels in front of the man who's not far away from falling asleep just like the girl he loves did just minutes ago.

"Don't you dare hurt y/n." Five threatens the handler but she just chuckles.

"I won't. You know that I won't." She rolls his eyes at him as she kneels down.

"It was you who took away my chance with y/n. We could have lived together! We could have grown old together! We even could've had a family together." Five snaps at the woman in front of him "You destroyed all that!"

"Did I?" She asks him "It was you who got another girlfriend, am I right?"

Five sighs in defeat.

"Not everything is what it seems." He says, looking at the ground.

"And what does that mean?" The handler stands up again "No, keep that for yourself. I don't want to know. Goodnight Five."

Wanting to say something, Five opens his mouth and attempts to say something back but his drained body doesn't allow him to.

His eyelids close and they are that heavy that he can't open his eyes again.

The handler looks back at the sleeping man before she exits the cell.

If she has to be honest, the handler is curious about what Number Five had said. "Not everything is what it seems." He had said.

This could mean a lot. But she couldn't be thinking about things like this. No, she had to make sure that the apocalypse happens and that everyone stays locked up like they're supposed to.

That thought reminds her of y/n. She still has to check up on the sleeping girl.


Y/n opens her eyes, still feeling completely drained. There is no comfortable warmth of a blanket around her, which causes her to scrunch up her nose.

With a sigh, she extends her legs and opens her eyes. Her vision is blurry which makes sure that her surroundings aren't clear yet.

When everything around y/n does become clearer, her eyes widen. This room is way too familiar.

The same white walls and the bed with the green blanket that she is now laying upon. She is back where she never wanted to return.

Back where y/n just escaped from.

Y/n her eyes fall upon a figure that's sitting on the chair in her cell. The handler is sitting in front of her.

"Y/n." The handler says in a soft tone and for just a moment it seems like she actually cares. But y/n shakes this thought out of her head immediately.

"You got yourself in trouble again." She says, standing up to get a closer look at the wound on y/n her wrist. The wound that Flore gave to y/n.

"Y/n I was going to let you live your life. I wasn't going to put you in here again." She sighs, still looking at the wound.

"Yet you did." Y/n says, looking away from the handler.

"Yes because you tried to stop the apocalypse again. It needs to happen y/n. You have to know that." The handler explains, turning around to sit on the chair again.

How could the handler think that y/n was going to let everyone die? The whole human race? All the animals? Everyone?

"I can't let everyone die. I just can't. I will stop the apocalypse. Even if that means. ." Y/n trails off.

"Killing me." The handler finishes for her.

She's right. Y/n was going to say that.

"If you don't let me stop the apocalypse then yes." Y/n quietly says.

A flash of hurt flashes in the handler her eyes but she recovers quickly. She stands up, sighs and walks towars the door.

"Then I guess you should stay behind bars. Goodbye y/n." She says, looking at the girl on the bed one last time.

"I'm sorry." Y/n says as her eyes become glossy.

After all this time, she started to care for the woman who she should hate the most.

"I'm sorry too." The handler says while she opens the door.

"I'll send a doctor to look at your wound." Is all the handler says before leaving the room.

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