Chapter 4

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The figure smiled a evil grin, toke out there gun


Everyone jumped at the noise of a gunshot rattling throughout the house.

New Zealand cried while Belarus hugged her.

Russia as usual was dead inside and asking where the vodka was.

Germany was trying to comfort Poland.

North ran out to check what was going on.

America closely followed North.

Canada and Ukraine sat close together trying not to have heart attacks.

Aussie couldn't believe what was happening.

Closely after the gunshot a thud vibrated through the house.

America had by now caught up to North and they were running up the stairs.

The next thing they both saw, drove North into tears and America into shock.

Laying before them was the body of South with a bullet wound right through their stomach.

They also saw the almost unrecognizable body of Japan with 50 something stab wounds.

this sight could make any normal human scream or panic. But here America was just looking at the bodies and North was hugging the body of South.

After about half a hour everyone else was getting worried

Most of them had accepted they would die.

Canada was crying. Worried if his brother would make it out alive.

But then America and North walked into the room.

America looked like they had just seen a ghost while North still had tears running down his face.

"W-what happened?" Poland asked, fearfully.

North didn't respond so Ame spoke up.

"South and... Japan are... d-dead" America stuttered.

I'm too lazy to finish this.
You probably know by now though cause I would of had like 800 word chapters if I wasn't lazy

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