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Oriana took a deep breath, slumping against a cold metal wall. Blood dropped from her left arm which was nearly connected to her shoulder, dangling in the air. Her eyes glowed golden before the blood began to flow back into her arm, slowly reconnecting the muscles altogether.

Bodie were scattered along the ground surrounding the renowned assassin. In front of her was her most trusted friend, brother to say the least who wore a scared expression on his face seeing the full magnitude of Oriana's strength.

She looked him dead in the eyes annoyed, angry but deeply, very deeply hurt. The one she thought would never betray her did and for that mistake she'd make him pay dearly for making her look like a fool.

"You finally stop being a bitch and this happens hahaha, what shit luck", Oriana laughed like a maniac as she felt the power in her body being sapped dry.

She picked up a bag of throwing knives and relentlessly threw them with precise aim, striking any and all who dared to attack her. Bodies around her began to be convulse as blood leaked from their eyes, noses and ears.

Large quantities of blood began to flow in the air, running out of knives to throw, she began punching into thin air with the blood following her every movement killing more and more of her former comrades by the seconds.

Lance, her younger brother figure, laughed nervously as she still stood tall, ruthlessly killing his men. He knew without a doubt she was dying, and knew that she would never go down with a fight. But to witness her fighting prowess in person was a sight to behold.

"Give up Ori, you lose. I will be the head of our clan. I am tired of being in your-"

He was cut off as he barely dodged an incoming attack, leaving a deep wound in the side of his body. He gripped the wound and stood once more seeing the dead look on Orianas face.

No words were spoken but he knew, what he had done had ruined her. She fell, causing the pools of blood in the air to splash into the ground. He sighed with relief, with the help of his subordinates he went to look at the one who raised him, his 'older sister' figure.

Then around her body, a golden circle was formed and he shouted in a hurry," Run away! Leave this place".

Oriana barely opened her eyes to see the golden lights forming around her. Slowly, she could no longer find the strength to keep living any longer and took her last breath.

When she awaited for whatever came after death, she didn't receive anything but bright light, almost like sunlight even.

Oriana didn't believe such thought until she no longer felt pain in her body, she even heard someone call her name out.

'So they still want to fight me? Challenge accepted', thought Oriana as she shot up, looking for the voice. But she noticed something was off, she couldn't sense anyone's presence properly, and the room she was occupying was not hers.

She glanced at her body and noticed skin so pale it seemed sickly, no scars on her arms which was thin as a twig. Except for her bountiful chest which she knew for certain wasn't hers but what was worst was the large belly she had.

"Madam Oriana, it seems you are about to give birth please prepare", an unknown woman in a demon cosplay costume with two long horns on top of her head.

"What the actual F***!", was what Oriana yelled before giving birth to a healthy baby girl. A healthy half demon baby to be precise.

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