Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: the artwork is not mine!


                 "What are you talking about" Granger said trying to sounded confused.

                  "Drop the act. I know that you are lying" sneered Dyroth. Granger tried not to shift into a more comfortable position, so that Dyroth would not be able to tell that he was getting under his skin. Unfortunately for Granger, Dyroth already knew that he was uncomfortable.

                   "What are you nervous" Dyroth said leaning forward. Granger couldn't help but give a cold smile.

                   "Him scared. He wasn't even scared of death!" He thought while chuckling. In front of him, he could see Dyroth changing his position.

                   "So what if I know something. Why will I tell you" Granger smirked thinking he turned the tables. Dyroth didn't say anything, but just sat there thinking.

                    "That would be true even if I tried to force it out of you" Dyroth said with a frown. Granger could feel himself calming down. With a blink of an eye, Dyroth used his first skill hitting Granger's chest. Granger dodged as Dyroth leaped to attack. Granger quickly took out his gun and used his first skill. All six shots found its way to Dyroth's body. He heard Dyroth gasp, but with a closer he noticed that he was smiling. Granger felt his chest burst with pain as Dyroth used his ultimate. 

                    "Not bad" commented Dyroth, who was now stretching like nothing happen. "Well, you were not helpful." Dyroth leaped onto a tree and within a few seconds he disappeared. Granger cursed as walked back to Ruby's house. It was pretty late when he got back. He decide to used the back door instead. He carefully made his way the bathroom. He took off his coat and unwrapped his bandages off his chest. He opened one of his many pockets to get new bandages only to realize that he put them in the upstairs bathroom. He sighed as he grabbed his coat and put his old bandages in the trash bin. He slowly made his way to the stairs. In the living room, he heard Roger snoring. Granger made his way up to the upstairs bathroom. He closed the door behind him and opened the cabinet. He sighed with relief to his bandages nicely wrapped. Looking down he saw that the center of his chest was heavily bleeding.

                   "Well just great now I must need to wash myself" he mumbled taking off the rest of his clothes and entering the shower.


Ruby's head throbbed with pain as she woke up. She looked out her window to see that it was pretty dark. She slowly got up from her bed. She felt her legs trembling as she walked out of her room. Walking out of her room she saw that the bathroom light was left on.

                "That's odd, maybe Martha forget to turn off the lights" Ruby thought as she opened the bathroom door and turned off the lights. She could swear that she heard the water running, but all her ears could hear was drums playing loudly in her head. She groaned as her right eye adjusted to the darkness faster than her left. Ruby rubbed her eyes and pinched her cheeks to wake herself up. It worked as Ruby descended the stairs to get cold water from the kitchen.


Granger just stood in the shower confused and blinded as he could not see a thing

                   "Who the hell turned off the lights" he thought as he reached his hands out to reach the lights while trying not to fall. It did no good, so he had to get out of the shower completely soaked in water. He almost slipped if it wasn't for his hands that tightly held on to the sink. He waited for his eyes to get adjusted to the darkness. Once his eyes were adjusted he turned on the lights and went back to finish his shower.


Ruby went back up stairs with a glass of cold water. She blinked as she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. She could have sworn that she just saw the lights turn back on.

                  "The f*ck" she thought opening the bathroom door and turning off the light again. Ruby was about to go back to bed when she heard someone yelling.


Granger had just enter the shower, when suddenly the lights turned off AGAIN! He could hear footsteps.

                 "Hey! idiot turn back on the lights I am trying to take a shower!" Granger yelled. Frustrated he left the shower to turn back on the lights.


Ruby choked on her water when she heard Granger yelling. She quickly turned back to the bathroom. She opened the door so that her hand could slip through. Her hand went to the light switch only to feel Granger's semi-wet hand. Ruby quickly pulled back her hand only to let her hand bang the door.

               "Ouch" Ruby yelped as she cradled her right arm with her left.

               "You okay" Granger said peaking his head out to see Ruby crouched on the floor. Ruby was about to look up, but realize that she didn't have on her eyepatch.

                 "I'm fine" Ruby replied weakly getting up and quickly retreating back to her room.

"OMG that could have gone terribly wrong" Ruby thought flopping on her bed. Her mind raced to the moment when she fell on top of Granger. Ruby blushed and cover her head with her pillow.


Granger waited as Ruby went to her room and finally for the last time went into the shower to finish up. While in the shower, he blushed at the thought that Ruby could have seen him completely naked! 

                "Why do all the embarrassing things happen to him" he thought finally finishing his shower.

Dear readers,

Sorry for this shorter chapter!

Hoped you enjoyed reading this!

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