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A/N: These are sorta like one shots... I hope ya enjoy them anyways!

Kelly fell asleep on the plane to Germany. She was good at that, sleeping on planes and trains and buses: necessity of a lifetime of travelling to games, she'd say, except Alex had done that all her life too and she still hated flying with a visceral terror that made her clutch Kelly's hand and left her feeling vaguely sick for the rest of the flight. But she'd had her whole life to get used to that, and she had her iPad and her headphones and most of their teammates were awake if she'd wanted to talk to somebody. She could have kept holding Kelly's hand until they landed, if she'd really felt like it; Kelly could sleep through that too. Kelly would probably sleep through the apocalypse.

That meant Kelly was still dead to the world when the flight attendant came by with the drinks trolley, but it was just as well: she asked if they wanted beer, or wine or a cocktail, flight attendants always asked and most of the time they didn't notice when Alex tried to cut them off. Alex asked for orange juice and biscuits for Kel and water and a packet of pretzels for herself, making room for all of it on her tray table until Kelly woke up.

"Wish Keith would do that for me when we travel," Faye said lightly from across the aisle; "I can't shut my eyes for a nap or he eats all my biscuits too. Got the short end of the stick, me," and Alex knew she didn't mean anything by it and it was the flight making her cranky, it was just Faye, but she had to force herself not to tense up.

"So I'm a catch, is what you're saying?" She managed to keep her tone joking.

"Wouldn't go that far," Jill said from Faye's other side, half-snorting a laugh, and woke Kelley up.

"Wazzat?" She asked, a little fuzzily.

"Nothing, sit up and drink your orange juice," Alex said.

"'s there biscuits?"

"Do I look like your mum? If you wanted biscuits maybe you should have been awake to ask for them."

Kelly finally sat up and opened her eyes. "Oh, there they are," she said, ripping into the packet. "Thanks."

"Oi, maybe those were for me, you greedy cow!"

"Nah. You don't even like biscuits, anyroad." Kelly smiled around a mouthful of crumbs and patted Alex's knee under the tray. "Get some sleep, yeah? No use fretting. We'll be on the ground soon enough."

It didn't really help with the fear that the plane was going to crash and leave them all dead in a flaming wreck, but Alex spent the rest of the flight concentrating on the warmth of Kelly's hand on her leg. At least it gave her something nice to focus on.

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