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Leo hated Poseidon.
He resented Percy, and he was happy when Gaia killed him. Now he was back. Fire and water don't even go well together. In fact, they can never be together. Leo looked at Percy.
Dude, he thought. Stop hating that guy! What's he done to you? But Leo still didn't like Percy. Somewhere deep inside Leo, a grudge was being held against the son of Poseidon. Should he hate Percy or not? The choices waged war in his mind, and Leo felt a major headache coming. Gods, I hate headaches, He thought.
The seven continued walking. Leo took some small screws and bolts from his magical tool belt and fiddled around with them, subconsciously making a fully functional toy car. He placed it on the ground and let it run. He watched as it drove off a cliff and - well, that was the end of Leo's car. He fished out some food from his tool belt - his second favorite snack - his tool belt apparently couldn't make Fonzies. Yeah, Leo basically was in love with his tool belt. It gave him anything he wanted.
Then Leo suddenly had this weird feeling inside him. He tried to fight it, but it kept coming at him. He struggled to stay on his feet.
"Guys!" He said weakly. "Wait up!" He couldn't move. Spots danced before his eyes.
"Leo!" Jason shouted. "What the-"
Jason gave Leo a weird look. "What's happening?"
Leo closed his eyes, but he didn't fall. He stood still, his legs rooted to the ground. He felt his legs turn into dirt. He felt his eyes roll back into his head. He couldn't make out what was happening. He felt so weak.
Then it suddenly made sense, like a lightbulb going off in his head. He was being possessed by Gaia, and he couldn't fight her.
He tried his best to stay conscious, but he couldn't fight the dizziness. He couldn't stop the white gas escaping his mouth, or the words which seemed to force their way out of him. His vision turned dark.
Gaia, he thought to himself, hoping that the earth mother would hear him. Get out of me!
Leo heard a voice in his mind:
I have never seen a hero so resistant to my powers. But I will take over. No one can resist. This message must be sent, Leo Valdez. You are merely my messenger. It is nothing bad. Let me take over.
It felt like charmspeak. Gaia was making use of him, and Leo knew he had to fight. It was bad. Serving Gaia was bad. He forced himself to stay awake. He heard Gaia in his mind again:
You still resist. You are strong, but you shall fall. I will take over this world. You will die. It has been planned. Why not do this for me now, my young hero?
Leo couldn't take it anymore. He was too weak to fight. His vision faded as Gaia took over his body.

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