Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

(Scarlett's P.O.V)

I didn't know what time it was, but I knew it was late. I rubbed my eyes, trying to combat sleep. I sat on the sofa for a few seconds, in the same position I'd been sitting in for the past who knows how many hours, before standing up and pacing the flat, biting my lip with worry.

He had said he wouldn't be this late.

He had said he was just going out with his mates for old times sake before he turned over a new leaf.

Clearly I had been lied to.


After pacing for what seemed to be forever, I came to a stop at the window. I peeked out through the blinds at the bright lights of the city beyond. This place never slept, there was never a single moment of peace, or silence that wasn't shattered by the relentless traffic and flashing lights. It was times like this that I'd love to be in the Amazon...

Wait! What was I thinking!

That was in the past. The city was my life now. Nothing could make me change my mind!

Not even Guy?

The little voice of my conscience asked quietly at the back of my mind,

"No!" I cried out loud, "Not even Guy!!" I retreated from the window and slumped back down onto the sofa. I sighed dejectedly, picked up the TV remote and switched on the TV. I half heartedly flicked through the channels for a minute or two, before finally settling on a seemingly important news bulletin which had interrupted a particularly sleazy episode of a late night soap opera.

I zoned in and out of what the worried reporters where saying, but from what I could gather, the multimillion dollar earning football player, Zack Wonder, had disappeared from his home. To be honest, I decided I really couldn't care less.

I had seen Zack Wonder interviewed before, I mean who hadn't, he was one of the most famous men in the country, and from what I could gather, he was a self centred, arrogant, self serving, idiotic twit who needed to grow a pair. Now that even the power of the TV had failed to distract me, I turned it off and went to make myself a bowl of cereal and some toast. Don't ask why, in these situations, that's what you do isn't it? Make cereal. Or is it tea? I can never remember.

However, I soon lost interest in the bowl of cornflakes I was eating, even smothering them with sugar did nothing to help my appetite. I supposed I had one more option to take my mind off things. I picked up my phone from where I had left it on the coffee table in the living room.

Fifteen new texts from Guy.

Ignore them! I snarled inwardly as I dialled a different number. I listened to the phone ringing for a second, before the recipient of my call picked up,

"Hello?" Said the deep male voice,

"Hey Barry," I said quietly,

"Hey! My little lady!" Barry laughed, his African/American accent adding warmth to his words, "How's my cunning Fox on this fine night?"

"I'm fine, how are you?" I asked. I heard Barry blowing a bemused raspberry,

"Well, chances are, that if you're up, you'll have heard about how a certain Mr Wonder, has been misplaced,"

"Yeah, I heard about that," I said, with a smile, "And?" I prompted, sensing that Barry had more to say,

"And I officially hate bein' a cop," he said flatly. I laughed,

"Come on Barry! You say that every time you get a call out,"

"I mean it this time," insisted Barry, "It's two o'clock in the morning and all the other guys in my unit are back at the station, asleep! Lucky trash that they are!" In the back ground I could hear other people talking together with a hysterical woman,

"Barry I-" I began, but suddenly the hysterical screaming grew in volume,

"Um, hold that thought Foxy," groaned Barry. I smiled.


I loved it when he called me by my nick name, it made me feel like I had no problems whatsoever. I could tell that Barry had put his hand over his phone's speaker, but I could still hear the woman, who was sobbing uncontrollably and Barry, who was saying in his best cop attitude,

"Ma'am, I'd like you to calm down, screaming will not make this situation any better," the woman screamed some more, "Ma'am, I suggest you go back to bed, you're not making my job easy," when the woman continued screaming, Barry lost patience with her, "Jack! Get this woman home! If she doesn't shut up, you have my permission to gag her!"

Once the screaming had subsided, Barry removed his hand from the speaker and gave an exasperated sigh,

"Who was that?" I asked, amused,

"Ugh, just some crazed fan-girl," replied Barry,

"It sounded like a fun encounter," I said with a grin,

"Not really," said Barry, "It was actually quite terrifying,"

"I'm sure it was.." I said,

"Right, ok Foxy what's up?" He said suddenly becoming serious. I was taken by surprise,

"Wh-what do you mean?" I laughed nervously, Barry sighed heavily,

"Scarlett, it's two o'clock in the morning, and you're wide awake, what's up?" He asked, when I didn't reply, he continued, "Is Darren being an idiot again?"

"No," I said, "He's not home yet..."

"Do you want me to come over?" Barry asked,

"Barry, you're working..." I began,

"No I'm not, Mr Wonder can wait, I'll be right over Foxy, and if Darren comes home before I get there, sit tight, I'll deal with him,"

"Uh, o-ok Barry, see you soon, thanks," I replied, before hanging up.


(A/N) Thanks for reading this chapter, and I hope you are enjoying it! I'm always open to constructive criticism and if you have any questions or ideas, I'd love to hear them!

Yours Faithfully,

Thesithdragon xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2012 ⏰

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