The call of truth

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Danny was calling so i picked up the phone for her i know all the friends of Justines but this Danny i find it so strange why didnt i know him so he answered " hello justine" so i pretend and tryna use the voice of justine and said " hi " and the conversation got even longer and it come into the point that i pretend i was justine and im drunk and asked him "where did we met again?" He said " hahahahahahahahahaha youre drunk ok so we met at the kareoke bar and i asked you to give your friend number but you said she recently lost her phone thats why i asked for yours" .. i was shocked like i feel so down my world torn apart like why did she do this to me my other half was cheating on me she can tell me everything why did she needs to hide many questions was running on my mind and i just accidentaly drop my phone and fell on the ground very shocked that all i wanna do is lay down and cry while everyones sleeping the phone rings again and i anawered it with brave soul that revealing him its me talking to him he was also shocked and we decises to meet personally..

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