"bro chill" quacksel | 🌸🌊

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In which aksel is a ghost and alex is a real estate agent just trying to sell the house

This is a short one but let me know if you want a continuation

Alex sighed, as the door creaked shut behind him for the umpteenth time.

"Who dares to enter my chamber, any foolish mortal who steps through will die a-", a deep voice boomed before being cut off.
"Bro chill it's me", Alex shouted, putting down his briefcase.
"oh hey", a ghostly figure floated in from the adjacent room.
"Any luck selling the house", the ginger haired spirit smiled.
"Well last time I had a group coming to look, you dropped blood down the walls and gave that poor old woman an epileptic seizure",Alex listed.
"And?",Aksel urged.

"They didn't wanna buy it".

"Well they were pussies anyway"

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