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This Bunny bitch is trying to hit on this baby mochi. "Hey Jimin, How wou-" I cut him of. "Jimin, & Jisoo why don't you show this bitch the new flowers you've added?" I ask them. "Sure Jennie Noona!"  Jimin says as he walks away with Jisoo. "Listen You coconut looking ass bitch." I start of. "Don't insult my beautiful coconut hair." He says looking insulted while rubbing his hair, "Don't hit on Jimin, I'll beat your flat ass up!" "How dare you insult me?!?!" He asks very offended, "Noona we're back!" Jimin said as he brung in the new flowers, "Those are beautiful just like you Jimin." Jungkook smirks. "Thank you Jungkook Hyung." Jimin says before turning red. "I'm done, Jisoo let's go to the back." I say before grabbing Jisoo's hand. "O-Ok Jennie."

Jungkook POV
"Your pretty like a flower,Jimin." I say rubbing his cheek, "A-Ah t-thank you J-Jungkookie H-Hyung." He says blushing, "Jimin,let's go somewhere else." I say moving my hand to his waist. "But I-I'm working r-right now." He says. "Will you come for me." I say pouting, "O-Ok Hyung." He says. "Jimin,call me oppa." I say smirking & leading him out the shop. "O-Ok o-oppa." He says holding on to me.

To soon?

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