United We Fall

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Punishment set by an unjust king; no it was never execution. Rather, he tied a noose around our hearts, and slowly we died by asphyxiation. Never did he allow our necks to snap, but instead we endured our suffering for vast quantities of time. Our crime? We loved so deeply, supporting each other, we made the spine of our country. He hated it so, he tore it down with his pride and self-hatred. It won't be long before we're all dead, but at least we'll die together.

As time passed us by, our spine broke down, as our collective esteem sunk down into the earth. We no longer wept, for our hearts found strength despite our impending death. Yet, we tired so, the laboring of seven generations swiftly victimized, leaving the future uncertain.

Our minds held fast to the promise we made, while total surrender brought great comfort. The battle warriors protested as the women resisted, fixed upon the end. The children concealed beneath cellar doors, their eyes dim with fear.

Rations of food were wrapped and saved, the starving children were fed up, but not with food. Into the pantry they crept, no candle to light their path as they gobbled up every last crumb.

Weary mothers chastise their children as the dread of a nation hung heavy on our backs.

As prisoners on death row, we marched. The battle warriors beat upon wooden drums, the children chanting, and the mothers forlorn. The king knew not of what he did, and so we forgave him.

Poison gas spread through the land; we tried our best not to breathe. It wasn't long before all the dogs were dead, soon the people followed. One by one we fell until the last one standing was I. As fast as my legs could carry me, I raced up the hill, and boldly knocked on the castle door.

A man with bruised eyes led me inside, his heart still gasping for air. His task was to kill me where I stood, but a single droplet of hope remained alive in the pit of his stomach.

I said not a word, grateful to be alive. I knew it'd only last a moment, as I too had poison gas in my lungs. Representing my people, I approached the king. He sat atop a wooden chair, which was traced with gold and copper.

My heart was choking as I shut my eyes and bowed. The carpet beneath my feet seemed as though it might collapse at any moment. I heard the sharp sound of the whistle; the king had ordered me dead. Still hunched, in a reverent stance, I lifted my head and met his eye.

His cold stare shot through me, which I returned with a plea of desperation. Just give me another moment, I thought to myself.

The palace guard with the bruised eyes rushed towards me, sword drawn. He froze.

"No," he said with no further explanation. The sword fell from his hand, as he lifted me to my feet. His position in a new form of power, he confidently marched out of the room, leaving me to my demise.

The shocked king stood to his feet. Being a large man of no less than three hundred pounds, it took him a good amount of time.

I squared my shoulders and held out my hands in submission. "Please sir, if I may speak." I lowered my head in humility as I awaited his response.

The king raised his brow, and clasped his belt within his hands, signaling me to proceed, although his impatience rose with every second.

"Sir, my ancestors left us a legacy to fight together in unity and strength, but to never defy the authority set by the king." I began, my voice strong, yet scared.

The king's interest was piqued, though his impatience was still apparent by the way he glanced around the room, avoiding my eyes.

"I was birthed into a world of war and strife; my sister starved to death and never reached her third birthday. My mother spent her days chastising the nation's children, who ate out of turn, while my father led the battle warriors." My heart sank as the reality set in. I was alone, and all of them were dead. I held my breath as a sea of memories of my family flooded my mind.

Frustration rose in the king's stomach, which was made apparent by the way he cleared his throat, the sound reverberating through the room, which caught my attention. I apologized meekly and continued my story.

"I have never known a life without ropes constricting my heart. I stand on behalf of my nation, who fought unto the end. Not once did they go against you. I come to you, in memory of them, who were all killed, every last one of them." I stiffened as I waited for the king to process my words.

He, the dumbfounded king, stood motionless. Not once had he thought of their welfare in the way this young peasant spoke of. It was only then that he realized just how much his selfishness blinded him.

Enough time had passed, I deemed, as I watched the king's eyes fill with a thoughtful gaze and sorrow I'd seldom seen before. "With my dying breath, I say to you, 'Thank you for being our worthy king, I'm sorry I cannot serve you another year.'" I finished.

It was apparent that my words had been clear and impactful, judging by the king's empty stare. His impatience and frustration had dissolved, at last, leaving the air far heavier than I ever knew poison gas to cause.

With my sole purpose fulfilled, I inhaled deeply and exhaled the same. As I allowed the poison gas to overtake my lungs, the noose took one last tug around my heart. With that, I fell, and death covered me as my skin turned blue and my soul lay dormant.

The king watched me drop to my death, his eyes wide in befuddlement. Searching his own stone, cold heart, he found no depth, nor value. None like that of this now-dead peasant.

Quickly he left the room, and began to search the castle for the palace guard. Having not found him inside, he hurried down the stairs, finding his body splat against the stone covered earth.

The palace guard had jumped from the castle tower; motivated by guilt as he was incessantly reminded how he had defied the king's order, a crime worthy of death.

The king fell to his knees, as he mentally recorded the hideous sight of a palace guard. No comfort could find him now for all the events, which had just come about. There he kneeled for days on end, never standing nor moving as he considered everything. And for once, he too, felt the pain of a tightened noose around his heart.

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