Chapter 2: My everyday life

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"Owww!!" I cried as he whipped me with a belt.

"You ugly piece of trash." I could smell his alcoholic breath. He hits me one last time.

"Go." Mike says, gritting his teeth. I slowly get up from the cold hard floor.

"I said GO!" He yells. I limp to my small room.

Mike beats me everyday he comes home from a club. He drinks so much. I don't know what I did to deserve this life.

I lay on the floor as I cry in the darkness.

I sit down and hug my knees and cry. I cry hard for a good 1 hour. I cry and cry and cry. I finally manage to get up. I limp to the bathroom. So..much... Pain...

I slowly remove my clothing and hop in the shower. The warm water stings my bruises. I have bruises everywhere.

After my shower I change into my old ripped clothes. Ugh I have school tomorrow. I don't want to go to school. School sucks. Its where all the bullys are. I'm unwanted there. No one likes me.

I go in the pile of leaves and close my eyes and fall asleep.


I wake up and slowley get up. My back hurts so much. I still have pain aching through my body.

The only clothes I have is the ripped dress I'm wearing. Sometimes Mike makes me wear disgusting inappropriate clothes. I hate it!

Mike comes in. "Today I want your dirty body to wear this." He says as he points to a super short dress that's hideous. He laughs. No I can't wear this!

I can't talk back or he will hurt me. I'm like his slave. I nod with a frown.

I change into it. God it's so short. I wear my shoes and get my small bag for school.

I walk all the way to school every morning. It's kinda peaceful though. No bully's and no Mike. I hear the birds chirping. I look at the beautiful flowers.

I walk inside my school and head to my locker. As I open it the popular girls AKA the bullies come.

"Aww look who we got here. Oh em gee, look at her hideous outfit!" Emma laughs.

"Did you get it from the garbage?" Jess says and laughs.

"Jess of course she did thats where shes from, the garbage!" Kat says twirling her hair.

They all start to giggle. They whisper to each other and laugh as they walk away.

I stare at the floor and sigh. The bell rings and I head to class.


I go in the lunch line and get my lunch. As I walk to a empty table Emma trips me.

"Oops! So sorry!" She said with a smirk.

She noticed the principal and quickly poured some water on her face.

The principal walks in. "Nikki what happened? And why is your outfit not school appropriate again!" He said.

"Mr.Johnson, Nikki came and said some hurtful things to us! Then she fell all of a sudden and now she's blaming it on us!!" Emma says as she fake cries.

"B-b-but." I say.

"Nikki your having detention. APOLOGIZE NOW." Mr.Johnson says. What?! That's not fair. What kind of principal is he.

"But I didn't-"

"NOW!" He yelled.

"S-sorry." I say as I get up.

"Detention after school for being rude to them and for you not following the dress code." Mr.Johnson says as he leaves.

The girls laugh and walk away.

I sit there on the ground with food all over me. Everyones starts laughing and whispering and pointing to me.

I'm just gonna skip lunch. I run to the bathroom and clean the food off. I sit on a toilet seat in the stall and cry.

My life. (Nikki's story) Where stories live. Discover now