Chapter 1

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Centuries ago, with knights and round tables, there was a different set of rules. Chivalry and manners were expected. Respect for the fellow man wasn't just a show of good character, it was "in" at that time in society. It seems through the ages that not only did manners disappear, but a sense of greed took it's place. Along with easily-reached rage and malice, traits of pride and arrogance.

War was serious and justified, only used when absolutely needed, now it's nothing but a little plaything to take off the shelf whenever it's desired. The toy doesn't matter, and the only thing that you're left with is what you do with that toy.

That's how it started, foolish humans doing anything they wanted, just to achieve what they wanted. "The end justifies the means", a man named Machiavelli said.

It might just be me, but I think that's absolute bull. That means that if you want something, it doesn't matter how you get it. It sounds a little twisted to me, but hey if a famous author wrote it, then it must be true. Wrong.

Who wants to be remembered for horrible deeds just to satisfy your wants. I guess the short rush of satisfaction means more than people's feelings and even their lives. No one seems to care about that though.

A great example, Adolf Hitler. He slaughtered millions, and not one thought went out to those who were affected. They say he was a smart man, looking out for his people and his country.

I think he's a clever douchebag, who made a facade to get the resources and strength he needed. Just a thin wall of nationalism.

Don't get me wrong nationalism isn't a bad thing, having pride for one's country is a respectable thing.

If Hitler can do what he wants, then so can I. I know it'd be dumb to think that one person, a nobody, nonetheless a teenage girl can kill Adolf Hitler, but that's exactly my plan.

The first step is to take down Benito Mussolini. He has all sorts of names in the Italian government, most of which he created. "Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, Duce of the Social Republic, and First Marshall of the Empire." He obviously supported fascism, in this situation, is expanding our country into other territories to conquer.

Fascism isn't the problem, I'm only supporting my own country. The problem is that Mussolini sides with Hitler, who are killing some of my people. Killing another Italian is usually something I wouldn't do, but if someone sides with the Germans, it's just guilty by association.

Anyways, I've been on my own for a couple years now, on my own consists of me and a few friends. It's our little band of resistance. We have been trying to lay low, build shelters, accumulate weapons and gunpowder, and getting a steady supply of food.

And now, we're ready. We'll play Hitler's games. But the difference between me and him, is that I will come out the victor.

(A/N): Hey guys! I haven't wrote on Wattpad on my own account for a while. So I'm starting a historical fan fiction series, and it's going backwards, starting in the 1940's obviously. But I hope you enjoy this book, and it won't be taken down. But this is a little snippet just to see what it's about. Well please vote and comment, and whoever leaves the nicest comment or message me and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you. But the picture is of Juliette (Ryan Newman) Enjoy!

Xoxo, Tira

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