Chapter 2

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The morning before a raid, I always feel a little nervous because this might be the last day of my life, or one of my friends' lives. Shaking my head and clearing my mind of all thoughts of death, I slowly sat up and looked around. I blinked, trying to chase away the sleep, gazing at my still sleeping friends.

I quietly untangled my legs from the blankets and tiptoed outside of the little hollow part of the aqueduct where we sleep. My legs involuntarily led me through the tunnels and up a stone staircase out into the chilly early morning air. Rubbing my arms trying to stay warm, I walked to my special spot near the river.

It's not too far, the water from the river is the water that flows through the aqueducts.

I sat down on the soft patch of grass close enough to the river to hear the water rushing across the stones, but far enough away that the ground under me isn't wet. The wind tickled my face, blowing strands of hair in front of my face. I looked across the valley towards the town of Siena. I could die there today.

The faces of my friends, well more like my brothers. I have no idea what I would do if I lost them. I may not have a biological family, but Clara, Bruno, Romano, Antonio, Eduardo, and Gregorio are my rock, my foundation. If one brick or one stone doesn't fit right, or is missing, the whole building comes tumbling down.

We are the Attaccanti Silenziosi, or the silent for short. That means silent attackers, because they never hear us coming.

I sucked in a deep breath, gulping in the fresh morning air, taking in the sunrise like it's the last one I might see. One of the negatives of fighting for your country, is that the next day might be your last one. I stood up, dusting off my jeans, starting back for our safe home underground, humming a melody as I went.


I tied my long hair into a ponytail, making my way to the center of our little sleeping corner to go over the plan of action for the last time, before we set out.

"Guys, wake up, it's time to get ready," I called, hearing groans and obnoxious stretching.

I went over the plan probably for the hundredth time, giving them their last minute assignments, and handing the guns to the older ones. Gregorio and Eduardo are too young for killing. I don't like to expose them to seeing things like that. Their childhood is already wrecked enough as it is, I don't want them to be worrying that they took lives. They have the rest of their lives for that.

"Let's head out." They followed me up the back stairway, and the half mile walk in the valley to the German camp. Overhead the Nazi and German flag were waving in the wind, almost mockingly.

Greg and Eduardo went in first to have a look around and to take some of the food and ammo. Then Romano helped Greg carry the stolen bags out and kept watch.

Soon after; Clara, Eddy, Bruno, and Antonio, and I went in. Bruno and Clara took the back, while taking out any guards on their way there. Antonio and I went in the front, attaching our silencers and giving the final head nod, signaling the go ahead for us to start. It's imperative that we're on the same page, or else one of us could die over something that could have been avoided.

I turned around to make sure Tony has our backs, and to get anything we miss. He nods as well, and me and Bruno run to opposite tents, taking care of the three sleeping soldiers inside.

The sky is getting brighter, too bright. We have have to leave soon, but there can't be any remaining soldiers left. A short, strangled scream erupted a few short feet away from where I'm standing. I ran towards the tent, a tall man, grappling with Bruno. I took out my gun, and swiftly shot the soldier in the head, his berry red blood splattering across the tent and on Bruno's and I's clothes.

We walked out into the center of the camp, well me supporting Bruno because of his rib, head, and leg wounds that he accumulated throughout the raid. I met the others' eyes, making sure everyone was taken care of. Clara's arm was slightly tinged red, Eddy and Tony seem to be fine.

"Eddy, come here and help Bruno. Clara you go with them, and start the fires from the front. Tony and I will take one last look around, and we'll meet you in the camp." They nodded, and went to fill out my orders.

As we walked, we removed the silencers from our guns and headed to the line of trees surrounding the German camp. The dewy grass flickered in the pale light like gems, as a blood-curdling howl sang into the air. Two figures immediately smashed into us. I felt a strong punch to the face, already feeling the immense pain. They retreated and we were met with tall soldiers, that Clara and Bruno must have missed, their guns glinting wickedly. Almost like the weapons have a mind of their own.

Their feet hitting the ground, they run at us again. This time I had discreetly retrieved my gun from my sheath, and as they came. I fired at their heads, their bodies falling onto the soft grass almost instantly.

"That was close, Jul," Tony breathed in relief.

I motioned for him to be quiet in case there are any more close by waiting to ambush us. He raised his gun, mirroring my stance and pace as we continued. As we checked the surrounding trees, nothing new was found.

I sighed. Thank god no one got seriously hurt today, we definitely underestimated these new soldiers. And it sure as hell won't happen again. Pushing some of the lower branches out of the way, I stepped over what I thought was a fallen branch, until it grabbed my leg.

This was probably the fastest I've ever gotten my gun out and aimed.

"Wait! Please, help me. I'm hurt, bad." I looked the man over, more like boy. He seems to be around my age, not yet quite an adult but certainly not a kid.

"How do I know that you aren't faking it? You could kill me." I raised my eybrow suspicously.

He lifted his dirty pant leg, and a two inch sized gash with a steady stream of blood escaping from the wound, soaking his pants. I made myself not flinch, and slowly edged toward him.

"If, and I mean if I help you, you will help me. Got it?"

He nodded quickly, trying to stand. "Stop, let me help you." I helped him to his feet, and let him put his weight on my shoulders.

"Thank you ..." He looked at me expectantly.

"You don't need to know my name or anything about me just yet. Let's make sure you don't die first."

(A/N) Hey guys! I'm sorry for the slow updates but I have a lot going on right now. And I actually just finished with one of my many midterms. I'm also working on a book with my friend @LaurynLuvZayn so you should check it out. It's called Broken Dreams. Love you guys!

   xoxo, Tira

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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