07 | feeling

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Do you know that feeling we all experienced when we were five on our birthday? When we knew we would get a big gift and then, our parents gift us with something bigger than we expected.

And that's what happened when Luke kissed me.

The kiss took me by a complete surprise. It wasn't just the very action of him kissing me that startled me because I was waiting for that. It's the fact that there is this undying chemistry between us. It was as if sparks just flew from us.

My lips were practically on fire and Luke kissing me hungrily, passionately as if tomorrow never existed did not help. His tongue explored my mouth deeply, entangling with mine and I felt thrills down spine. Thrills that could turn me into a puddle and in fact, if it wasn't Luke's hand on my back, pulling me forward, I would have actually melted into a puddle.

Well anyway, it wasn't like I was just allowing him to kiss me because more than Luke's hand bringing me forward, it was me bringing myself to kiss Luke.

Kiss Luke.

Whoa. The thought seemed impossible, utterly impossible yesterday. And here I was. Kissing Like of all people. It strangely, scares me. Yes like I've always had dreams of being with Luke and kissing him and I might not deny that I do feel some kind of sexual attraction about him.

But this? This was nothing like I expected. I wanted him. More than anything else in my life. And that's something when you're talking to a girl who has a lot of things in her life. I did not want this kiss to stop ever. I could go on kissing him forever.

There are times when you hate your respiratory system so much because it just stopped you from continuing something you desired. Both of our breathing stopped us from further kissing. As soon as we realised breathing was required, he slowly parted his lip from mine and with just few millimetre distance between us, he looked me in the eye.

"I think I know where my heart belongs." He whispered and kissed me on my forehead which sent more thrills and sparks down my spine. He then laid down and I allowed him. After all, he was drunk. I walked out of his room and his house.

And then spooky thoughts arises in my mind. What if he just kissed me like any other girl? What if I fell for him and he doesn't?

"A drunk man's words are a sober man's heartfelt thoughts." I said to myself and breathed in. I entered my car and looked towards Luke's house. I quickly smiled and then, drove to my house.

On reaching my house, I slowly walked in and looked at my watch. 5:30. I walked back into my room as quiet as possible and climbed onto my bed. I pulled the duvet on myself and pretended to be asleep for another half an hour.

During that thirty minutes, several thoughts sparked my mind again. I thought about how I met Luke for the first time. It just surprised me that we actually kissed. Something nearly impossible in front of my eyes; yet look at what just happened. I just kissed Luke Fletcher. Luke's kiss was like a bomb on me and it had its effect on me. The then very small crush I had on him just turned into the now very gigantic crush that can be easily recognised as a liking.

If Luke took the step to kiss me then doesn't it mean that he feels something toward me? That he likes me? But then the back of my brain laughed at ludicrous idea on Luke actually liking me when the entire female population in New York University was after him.

"Wake up, Sweetie. A beautiful day has just begun. Don't waste it." Mum yelled all the way from downstairs. I woke up and walked down.

My mother always understood me. Yeah, she was strict sometimes but she was modern at the same time. Not at all old fashioned.

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