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"Are you a virgin",
My head spun in different directions bursting my thoughts into several more thoughts. I stared at all of them in the eye then managed to make out only a few letters, "Ye...."
"No" he interrupted. I stared at him wide eyed, wanting to slap the earring of his right ear.

Hey! This is another of my imagination.

For Alexa, life meant going to boarding school then staying indoors and watching movies, having private dance parties, eating a lot, reading and most importantly staying indoors with over protective and two annoying siblings and honestly to her, it sucked but when she clocks sixteen,tables turns. She makes friends with the neighbour's son, a very hot boy who seems to have a thing for her, but it all turns around again when she meets his friends and then their friends. So it becomes allergy prone asthmatic girl versus a silly boy and the crazy world outside her bedroom.
And it turns out to be...............
Just what you think.

P.s : This book is dedicated to the indoor girls {lyk me 😝 },the good girls.........
# stop bullying
# stay chaste
# stop 'truth or dare' s ( just kidding,but it really really scares me .....

Mind my grammatical errors
And the silly pictures
And the silly use of swear words
Enjoy .......

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