Beat the summer heat this monsoon part

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While we lay so much emphasis on the outerwear while exercising, we forget the underwear too is equally important. Your pair of underwear is the last excuse you need to stop your regime. The from Jockey Sport is lightweight and made with flexible fabric so that you have a full range of motion on the treadmill or elliptical. What's more, these briefs come with breathable panels that keep things cool down there.

Sun and tan go hand in hand

Just like you need to keep your lower body protected when exercising outside, you need to take steps to protect your upper body, too. That reminds a may not a bad idea to save your arms from the tan. If you are a person who enjoys outdoor exercises and workouts, make the long-sleeved t-shirt pals and they will guard you against the tan. It is important again that the fabric be lightweight and quick dry. You don't want to land up boiling while trying to save yourself from the tan. While long sleeves can keep skin dry and cool the one with the heavy and absorbent fabric can turn out to be a bad choice.

Running shorts – the rescue squad.

Out of all the options available, running shorts are the best when it comes to comfort. They not only lightweight but also have airflow, making them breathable too. Isn't that what we are looking for since the start. A question may arise that running shorts are for running, the answer to that it is that the traditional running shorts allow you a full range of movement to the runner's, hence can make good companions for exercises and workouts too. They are loosely fitted, so they remain cool and comfortable as you heat up during the workout. by Jockey are made of "Plated performance quick-dry" fabric with inner drawstrings to ensure proper fitting. The wallet and phone pocket with a flap ensure your valuables remain safe. These shorts are an absolute win-win for everyone who wants to workout, fighting the summer heat.

Cotton is the age-old comfort

When you hear the word heat, the parallel word that often comes along is cotton. Cotton is breathable, which means it won't make you sweat more. It's also somewhat absorbent, so can soak up some of the sweat you generate during a workout. It's relatively easy to maintain, as cotton clothes can typically get thrown in the regular wash cycle with the rest of your wardrobe. Cotton workout clothes are also relatively inexpensive compared to synthetic fabrics. Cotton fabric rarely causes allergic reactions since it is hypoallergenic and does not irritate the skin. Cotton releases odors easily in the wash, meaning your gym clothes won't smell as much as synthetics do. Cotton clothing is soft and easily stretches, making it a comfortable fabric to wear. Due to its softness and comfort, cotton clothes will boost your summer workout sessions.

Rubber and plastic fabric are the new words for non-breathable.

Clothing made from rubber-based or plastic-based materials keeps sweat from evaporating and keep your body temperature too high during a workout. During warm summer months, be sure to choose fabrics that allow your skin to breathe and wick sweat away. It is repeatedly emphasized that dressing in clothes that are cool and comfortable, and allow you to move freely, is extremely important, and rubber and plastic-based fabrics are incapable of allowing that.

What's in the color? Well, there is a lot.

If you observe the summer collections that come out, you will see most of the brands infuse lighter and cooler colors in their collection. Light-colored clothing reflects light and the rays whereas dark-colored clothing absorbs these rays and trap their heat. The more heat that is absorbed the hotter the clothing is and the hotter you are. Furthermore, light-coloured clothing looks softer and cooler.


When buying workout gear, you need clothes that fit relatively close to the body. Close-fitting clothing is also safer than baggy clothes, as they erase the probability of getting tangled in equipment. It's also important to wear close-fitting workout clothes if you're taking a class, for your instructor to see your moves closely. by Jockey offers a variety of fits to choose from according to the workout you opt for. Loose fitted clothes are perfect for the gym and weight loss workouts. But, if you are choosing cycling or running, loose pants and wide-legged pants can cause accidents. In case of activities like Yoga and Pilates, fabrics that stretch and wipe the sweat away from your body are a great idea. To sum it up, the only thing to keep in mind with the fitting of your workout clothes is that they should not get in the way of the activity you choose.

Quick and cool tips

Apart from the clothing, here are some quick tips that will help you soothe and at the same time keep up your workout regime:

Stay hydrated: Remember when you sweat more, it is important to hydrate, so ensure you carry a bottle of water. Today's water bottles are a lot more advanced, and some have features designed to keep your beverage cold a lot longer than a plain plastic bottle. Helps both you and the environment as well.

Make friends with the weather: A few weeks before the heat waves hit in, practise some outdoor workouts for a shorter period. This helps your body to get accustomed to the heat. Once you're used to it, you sweat more which ultimately keeps your body cooler.

Pick a good time and lower the pace: Work out at a time when it is relatively cooler outside or chose a shady path to run. Another trick that helps is to lower the pace than the usual pace of your workout. This helps to complete your regime without feeling exhausted.

Sunscreens and SPF's: Apply sunscreen with proper SPF to avoid sunburns and tanning if you chose a rather brighter time of the day to exercise.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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