Part One

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Harry knew they were falling apart, he just didn’t want to admit it to himself. So he pretendedthat everything was fine.

Warm lips, blue eyes, feathered hair. Harry closed his eyes and leaned in so that his lips could capture his boyfriend’s one in a slow, passionate kiss. Louis’ hand tangled themselves in the mass of brown curls while Harry’s hand lifted up the older boy’s chin. Harry moaned in the kiss. He felt like he haven’t properly kiss his boyfriend in ages. Louis opened his mouth to allow access to Harry and he had ‘t waste a second to slip in his tongue. They kissed, tongue tied and hands roaming each other for long minutes until Harry pulled away first for air. Their noses brushed and they rested their foreheads together while they filled their lungs with fresh new air.

“I missed you Louis.” Harry whispered. Louis closed his eyes and a little smile formed on his soft lips.

“You missed me ? How ? I’ve been here all along.” Louis placed a reassuring kiss on his boyfriend’s mouth and Harry let out a sigh.

“I love you Lou.” Harry said softly.

He waited for his response, but nothing came. Instead, Louis got up and started walking away, not a single glance in his direction, leaving a hurt Harry behind once again as tears started to well up in his green eyes.

“Louis!” Harry shouted as he sat up on the sofa in the middle of the night, tears falling down his face. It was the third time this week he fell asleep alone in the living room. Everytime, he was woken up with the same nightmare and Harry couldn’t help but notice that the nightmare was slowly beginning to become his own reality.

Louis was barely ever there anymore. He was either out on a date with Eleanor or buying things for her in front of the paparazzi and when he was at home, he was constantly texting her or tweeting about her. Most of their conversation turned around the girl, ‘how great Eleanor is at mini-put’ and ‘Did you know she got the highest grade in her class ?’ Frankly, Harry didn’t give a shit and was getting tired of hearing her name come out of the other boy’s mouth. But he loved Louis so he shut his mouth and smiled, pretending everything was alright.

Harry looked around their living room, pictures of the both of them, Harry and Louis, hanging on every wall. Pictures of them smiling, laughing, kissing, cuddling, pictures of them happy. Harry wondered if Louis even remembered that time.

He looked at that one of the both of them at the beach, that day when they got lost and ended up in their boxers, swimming in the cold water in the middle of August. He remembered he teased Louis about being totally lost but the other boy was too proud to admit something like that and he pretended he had the intention of going on that beach all along. They both knew it was a lie but they didn’t care because they ended up having so much fun and being together.

Harry missed when that was all that mattered. Being together. He brought a hand to his cheek, brushing away his own set of salty tears. He realised that maybe he became himself a photograph. Maybe he’s just another happy memory for Louis. Harry felt like he was hanging on a wall while Louis was making new memories with Eleanor. And at the thought of that, new tears blurred away his vision.

Harry tried to remember when it all changed. One day, they were happily in love, the other, Louis was assigned a girlfriend, just for public image. At first, Harry thought it was a good idea. It was obvious they couldn’t come out, not so soon in their career. Eleanor was a very nice girl, pretty, intelligent but Harry knew he could trust Louis. But now, he wasn’t so sure.

It must’ve been around 1AM when Harry heard the front door open. He was still on the couch but he wasn’t sleeping. He heard his careful footstep while he made his way through the house. Harry knew he wasn’t drunk. Louis was a loud drunk, always fumbling and laughing. But right now, he was too cautious to be drunk. Harry was almost disappointed that his boyfriend wasn’t drunk.

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