•Chapter 4•

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They all looked at me.

So overwhelming....

"I guess so? I mean- I am tired."

"Yay! I will give you my pajamas and Rubin go to your dorm to get your pajamas. Don't forget to give Jimin some."

Rubin nodded. "Come on Jimin." Rubin and Jimin left.

"Come on Y/N, lets go to my house." She grabs my hand and pulls me away.

Jimin Perspective

Rubin and I are walking to his dorm to get pajamas. It was been silence ever since we left the girls.

"So, how is Y/N?"

"She is fine. It has been some days since-"  I paused. "Well, when you broke up with her, she told me and I had to comfort her. She was heartbroken so I asked her out since I like her."

I lied so badly. She will probably get really mad if I tell her I told Rubin that.

"Oh...I feel sorry for her."

"Why is everyone mad at her?"

Rubin Perspective

Of course he asks me that. I guess I will have to tell him the truth.

"She is a backstabbing bitch. She slept with someone else behind my back!" I fake cried.

"Aw...Rubin." Naeyeon comforts me. "I knew she was a bad person. It is ok. After you break up with Y/N, I will break up with Junghoon and date you."

"Really?" I hug her. "Thank you."

"You are welcome Rubin. Now lets go tell everyone how she is a hoe."

No, no, no! I didn't want something like this to happen. I faintly smile and we walk to everyone.

"That is what happened. I didn't actually want that to happen to her. I didn't know Naeyeon liked telling people things." I looked down.

We have made it to my dorm and I unlock it. We walk inside and Jimin sits down on the couch. "This place looks nice." He compliments my dorm.

"Thanks." I head to my room and look for pajamas.

This Jimin guy is pretty small.

I find some of my old shorts, underwear and old shirt so he can fit it.

I walk back to the living room and handed him the clothes. "Thanks. You really didn't have to give me anything. I usually sleep with my shirt off."

"O-oh. Does Y/N sleep with you?"

"Nope. She likes to give me peace when I sleep."

I sighed. "Lets go." We walk out the door and head to Naeyeon's house.

Y/N Perspective

"We haven't done something like this in forever Y/N. I miss hanging out with you. I bet those were rumors."

"I know they are rumors."

Naeyeon was picking out outfits to wear for later.

I don't like talking to her anymore but I guess I have to tonight and tomorrow.

"This looks good right? Jimin might like this on you."

I widened my eyes. It is....weird to wear something like that when your ex and fake boyfriend is going to be staring at you.

"Yeah. S-sure." Naeyeom lays it down.

"We have our pajamas planned now." She walks out the room and I follow her. "Now, lets go make some snacks before they come."

We go into the kitchen and prepare some snacks.

I am surprised I am not tired like always.


I walk to the door and open it. "Hey guys. Come in."

Jimin and Rubin came in and sat their stuff down.

Jimin walks up to me. "Are you ok? Did she do anything?"

"Nope. I am pretty glad. What about you and Rubin?"

"He...confessed. He lied to Naeyeon and Naeyeon took it real so she told everyone."

I facepalm. "He said he was always good at acting. Of course Naeyeon believed and believes him."

"Well lets go into the living room."

I nodded and we went to the living room.

"Guys we should play a game of 7 minutes in heaven." Naeyeon said.

"But there is only 4 of us." I said.

Is she that stupid?

"We can switch boys, Y/N."

"Yeah, no."

"No fun." She paused. "Then you can do it together." She pushed Jimin and I into a closet.

"7 minutes!" She locks the door behind us.

She walks away and Jimin and I stare at each other.

Whispers til I say Back

"You have a girlfriend. Do not cheat."

"I know." He pulls me closer to him. "But-" He kisses me.

I wrap my arms around him. He pulls back.

"I wanted to do that."

"O-oh." I blush and let go of him.

I went closer to the wall and stood there. He pinned me on the wall.

"You know...being in a closet alone with me causes trouble."

"O-oh. Really?" I nervously smiled.

He nodded and came closer to me.

A/N: Cliffhanger! Sorry if this chapter was short. I have been writing on another app called "Wit"

 I have been writing on another app called "Wit"

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It is so cool. I 💞 it.

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*not proofread*


Wuv you💞

Word Count: 853 words

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