Bad Girl Gone Good (One Direction)

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A/N Here's the first chapter of my new story! Please tell me what you think!!! The photo on the side is of Alex!

Alex's POV

I was alone, in a dark alley. Not like I hadn't been before, just tonight was especially dark. As if someone had doused the whole city in black paint.

I heard the shuffling of footsteps and a very faint figure entering the alley and walking towards me. Normally a girl my age,which was twenty, would be frightened by this and trying to get out as fast as possible. Well that wasn't the case for me. I waited until the person was close enough before I started talking to them very quietly, and fastly.

"Do you got the money?" I asked them.

"Of course I 'got the money'. We went over this on the phone, remember?" he said.

"Yeah, but you can never be too sure," I stated talking a bag out of my back pocket.

Now before you get any wrong ideas, it wasn't as bad as it may seem. Actually I take that back, it probably was. You see, I was a drug dealer. Not a well know one; not at all. I only had about two customers. I never wanted to be one, but things happened and here I am now. I can't exactly drop out of the buisness either because the people who get things from me, would find away to tell someone, without suggesting they bought from me. Also, this was the only way I got money. You're probably wondering 'why doesn't she just get a job?'. But it's not that easy. No one really wants to hire a girl like me. I have this reputation as the 'city bad girl', which was not a title I like to have.

My goal is to finish college and go travel the world, leaving all of this behind me. Ha, like that was going to happen.

For now, I was stuck giving drugs to disgusting guys.

I gave the man the bag, after he handed over the money. I always made them give me the money before I gave the drugs. Just saftey precautions.

After he was gone, I waited for a couple minutes before leaving myself. I walked back to my apartment, since I didn't have a car, and pulled out my key. I put it in the lock, when I noticed a paper stuck to my door. I pulled it off, knowing this was probably not something good.

Dear Ms. Alex Stevenson,

You have failed to pay your rent for three months, when we have constantly reminded you. We are sorry to inform you that you have been asked to leave. You have a week to pack you things. We are deeply sorry.

Mr. Morgan

I meantaly groaned, wondering where I would go. My parents died a couple years ago, so I couldn't go to them. I didn't have any friends to ask for help, and if I couldn't afford the cheapest apartment here in New York, then I wasn't going to be able to get anything else.

"Looks like I'm on the streets for awhile," I mumbled to myself, "again."

The last time this happened, was when my parents died. It's safe to say that I never saved my money when they were alive. My parents were pretty rich, but decided not to give me any of their money until I was twenty-three. At least that was what was in their will. Then, I had been on the streets for about a year, before I pulled myself together.That was definetly not a time, I liked to remember.

I walked into my room and grabbed my suitcase. Opening it, I took out the pieces of paper that were in it, not bothering to see what they were.

I threw open my closet doors and took my few amounts of clothing out. I reached into the very back of my closet and pulled out the box labeled 'private'. What? I couldn't have anyone looking at it! I opened the box, making sure my three pistols were in there, along with a couple of cartidge's of ammo. I grabbed one of the guns and put them in my coat pocket. You could never be too safe.

I finished packing my minimal belongings before jumping on my bed.

"I wonder if they would care if I took this matress," I wondered aloud.

Who am I kidding. I couldn't run away from someone while carrying a matress. I had the weirdest ideas sometimes.

I started thinking about what my plan was for next week, but eventually I gave up and drifted off to sleep.

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