Chapter 1: Meet Iris

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I shiver as I let out a huff of annoyance, which causes my hot breath to be seen in the cold. As I keep jogging in place, I watch the football players move onto the field once again. Lucky bastards, getting to wear all those clothes and equipment while us cheerleaders are about to become icicles in our short skirts.

" Iris come on! We're about to start back. "

My friend Bree says, she's also on the cheer team.

" Alright, coming! "

I rush over to the rest of the girls, happy to have an excuse for some movement. I got into cheering to help my anxiety with crowds and people in general, when I started out I was only in sixth grade and completely in my own world. Standing in front of a big crowd, was basically like sending me off to my own execution in my eyes back then. Now I've actually grown to like the attention and the community of it all.

" Let's get physical! Get hard, get down, get mean! Lets get physical and beat the other team! "

As we continue cheering, my boyfriend Braxton catches my eye. I catch him starring and give him a wink, he blushes looking flustered as his friend sitting next to him on the bench notices and starts teasing him. Braxton and I have been dating for a year now - I know a cheerleader dating a football player, how original? - and although football players have a bad rep. , I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. He treats me with more respect than any other guy I've met and has such a huge heart, I wish all guys were like him.

As I hear a whistle, I roll my eyes and ignore it. The same group of guys from school always shows up to cause trouble but everyone has gotten so used to it we ignore them. They never get physical, just make lewd comments and make a fuss. Even when school is in session they act this way, only slightly less rowdy. The leader of their pitiful excuse of a group is Connor, he used to be on the football team until he was kicked off for bad grades and then suspended a few months for drugs.

As we finish up cheering, the game ends and everyone applauds. As soon as the football coach is done talking to the team, Braxton runs over to me giving me a sweat filled hug.

" Ew, get off me you smell horrible. "

I say scrunching my nose up and pushing him off as he laughs.

" You're one to talk, you smell just as bad. "

" I do not! I never smell bad. "

I retort.

" I object to that so called fact. "

We hear someone say and turn to see my brother Tanner stuffing his mouth full of popcorn. I'm glad he always shows up at last minute to the games, pretty sure he wouldn't take kindly to the pervs in the crowd. Pretty sure the snack stand doesn't feel the same when he shows up last minute for food though.

As I glare at him, he hides behind Braxton. Funny to think my brother used to hate Braxton, then again he only hated him due to the fact that Braxton was dating me - his little sister - after he got to know him, a bromance was formed.

" Even he can't save you now you idiot. "

I say glaring.

" But he said the same thing! "

My brother argues.

" Yes, however Braxton is cute as heck. Therefore, he is spared. "

" You slut. "

My brother says under his breath, then Braxton hits him over the head.

" Be nice. "

He says.

" B-but she started it! "

My brother pouts.

" I don't care. That's no reason to call her, or any woman, a slut. "

" She's my sister dude, it's my job to be an ass to her. It's my given birth right. "

Braxton just shakes his head in disapproval at my brother as we all walk to the car together. Honestly? Life couldn't be better.

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